Mentalist Administrator Staff member Aug 26, 2006 #1 Make the T-1000 out of blu-tac with a tin-foil endoskeleton with obvious blast marks showing said memetic endoskeleton, take pictures and win at life.
Make the T-1000 out of blu-tac with a tin-foil endoskeleton with obvious blast marks showing said memetic endoskeleton, take pictures and win at life.
whisky Boobie inspector Aug 26, 2006 #2 I actually had a McFarlen T1000 action figure, sold it on ebay though, think I still might have the spare head that came with it.
I actually had a McFarlen T1000 action figure, sold it on ebay though, think I still might have the spare head that came with it.
CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter Aug 27, 2006 #6 There's no point hitting the T1000: it's impervious.
Mentalist Administrator Staff member Aug 27, 2006 #10 Aha! Lordy lord, I do look none too amused in that pic.
whisky Boobie inspector Sep 3, 2006 #15 I cant find any blu tac, if I find some plastercene, will taht do?
whisky Boobie inspector Sep 3, 2006 #18 I know he has no pupils but I didnt have any white plastercene, so thats tiny peices of tissue
whisky Boobie inspector Sep 3, 2006 #20 He'll look even more like Reed Richards after the heat of my pc case gets to him some more.