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Project Runway 8-02


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I can't believe Angela actually designed and executed something worth a shit. That outfit was gorgeous, something I'd totally wear and she actually deserved to win, stupid rosettes and all.

Of course my heart went out to Alison and tatoo boy (I can never remember his name), you know, the sympathy vote but it wasn't their design so even though they completed the job team leaderless they didn't really deserve the win...And their oufit still wasn't as good as Angela's.

I couldn't stand Keith anyway so I'm glad he's gone, he was as annoying as Milan yet somehow dumber, if that's even possible. So ta-ta to him and don't let the door hit your book having, being on the Internet ass on the way out!

As for the girl that lost, her name escapes me, God did she ever deserve the metal toed boot, that outfit was frumpy and horrible, really bad. So good call Heidi and Co.
I dunno what to think about Keith... he blatantly broke the rules and unfortunately we only have his word as to whether or not he actually used the books. Kinda his dumb fault for bringing them along in the first place, so ho hum.

As far as personality is concerned, I didn't want to see either of the two on the chopping block leave. They were both cool cats, and I was a little sad when she boo-hoo-ed her way out of the show.
^I agree, I liked both of the designers too, personality wise, but oh my, her design was great but the finished product was just terrible.
That was the confusing thing... if her sketches kicked as much ass as they did, where did the execution fail? I blame Uli and her immune ass not working and/or caring hard enough to be objective.
Keith was a smug bastard who was obviously spoiled rotten as a kid, probably by nouveau riche parents who were even more nasal than him. He has a warped sense of reality, and I'm happy to see his arrogant ass hit the door.

Bonnie going instead of Robert was a coin flip. The execution on both garments was horrific. Neither had much style or hipness to them. I guess it's a bigger sin to think a cowl neck is modern than it is to make a mismatched outfit with a huge mis-measured slit up the back of the skirt...
I was pretty amazed by what Angela's team came up with. I credit Laura and Michael for how well the outfit turned out. Who would have imagined that those hideous rosettes could actually be made to work?

Can't say I was all that sorry to see Keith go, though I did feel badly for him. It sucks to screw up on national TV, and get caught. At least he didn't try to defend his actions.

I say Bring Back MALAN!!!
We seem to be of like mind, this group here. I wonder if that is a function of those subliminal brain scans Bravo regularly broadcasts on the Theta brain wave.

Y'all knew about those, right? Old hat, right? Sorry, I can be boring sometimes.

Anywhoo... Angela apparently gets the coversational shit kicked out of her by Jeff... from what I can gather Angela breaks a sewing machine's needle and then just moves on to the next one instead of taking the time to repair it and Jeff calls her out on it. "If you break it you should fix it..." is one of the sound bites I believe.

Should be exciting, tho, eh what?
Does anyone watch "Work Out"??? It's regularly on Tuesdays but they did a rerun after PR this week. I liked it, she's one cool lezzzzbian and she has the perfect body.
Yeah, we usually watch that just 'cause it comes on right after it. Jackie doesn't really have good inter-personal communication skills, does she? Nice abs, no finesse.
^Agreed and I felt really bad for her mother. It's like Jackie allowed her to be ganged up on by the homasekshals and that wasn't very nice.