Pussies with yeast & bacterial infections...would you lick?


Fuck me silly
My my my, Loktars got sand in his vagina....oh thats not sand thats yeast,bacteria & a nice bucket of aids. Grats you disease ridden whore! :smfgrin:

FYI, I love the smell of a smelly baceria mold infested vagina. You'res will do Lok, spread em & let me bury my face in deep!


Holy Roman Emperor
What the fuck is wrong with you, johnford? Did you crawl out of Blackfoot's or TriggerFox's anus? Did you ever live in Montour Falls, New York, in 1995? Because if you did, that would answer SOOOOO many questions.


Holy Roman Emperor
If you're wondering about the Montour Falls comment, back when I was 4 (in 1995), I lived there, and I knew a kid named Johnny. Johnny's mother had Down's syndrome, and his father was his great-grandfather. He was also red-blue colorblind. I was wondering if johnford was him.


Holy Roman Emperor
But I take it everything else is accurate?