Pussy Riot!


I just wanna find their sweet spot & circle their clits with my tongue until they ALL start dripping!

I fuckinig love those women! Just sayin ;)
Did you hear about that chick that sold her virginity for $780,000? And then she is going to give 90% of the money to charity?
The buyer will get an hour with her in an airplane. He is from Japan.
Pussy- The one thing men spend the first nine months of our lives trying to get out of, and the rest of our lives trying to get back in :eek:
You clearly haven't seen the video where one of them stuffs a raw chicken in her vagina in a supermarket as some kind of statement about food prices or something.
You mean you're not supposed to use your lower, and upper, inner cavities for shopping?

Where do you really carry your items? In your hands? rofl ow, man!
Why do you quote yourself? You're drawing attention to something that wasn't terrifically clever, in the first place. If it were it would be Quote of the Week.