Pwned Some Pseudo-Christian Zealots


RIP Karl 1991-2014
I'm walking down the abandoned school thoroughfare, and two guys walk up alongside me, asking if I can spare five minutes. No. They tell me they just want to work on a survey project for their school, and I don't see any harm in letting them walk with me to the parking lot, so I'm like, meh, ok.

Tall guy asks this: "What's the one thing all living creatures on Earth need to exist?"

The love of Gawd? "I don't know, what's the one thing all living creatures need?"

"A mother. Think about it, everything has a mother. Without a mother, you couldn't be born! Can you think of anything that doesn't have a mother?"

"Uh... Slugs." Blank look. "Asexual reproduction... hermaphrodites. Algae."

"Ok, you got me there. But let's say like 99% of everything needs a mother, right?"


"Have you heard of God the Mother?"

I blink. "You mean like the Virgin Mary?"

"No, God the Mother is like God the Father."

That was when I realised I was talking to some bonafide Christian heretics. :D

"So they're separate entities?"


"Not just different aspects of God?"

"Yes. Here, let me show you in the Bible."

"No thanks, not right now. So you're saying you believe in two gods?"

A quick look of horror flashes over his face. "No! They're both God."

"But you said they were separate entities, not aspects of one god."

"No... what do you mean by aspects?"

"They're two different sides of one being?"

Obviously not able to discuss his own theology on this most basic of levels, tall dude asks me to look at his Bible one last time, I decline, he thanks me for talking to him and scurries off like a good little zealot, his fat friend in tow.


God the Mother? FFS.


Sinless and Purrfect
Why don't I ever run into people that stupid? They must breed them that way in California.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Why don't I ever run into people that stupid? They must breed them that way in California.

I'm afraid you're quite correct. I'm under the impression that someone has managed to make Crack an airborne substance. I'm proud to say I'm not a native Californian.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
No, the survey-takers on crack don't give a fuck about what they're supposed to be pitching or whatever. They just want to get paid.


I love you
I invented the term "Mother of God".
They stole it from me
I say it all the time
Its like a swear word
like taking the Lord's name in vein
but not really
yes it is
maybe its not
I don't know
just kidding
no I'm not
yes I am