Question for our Star Wars Fans in here..


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
The explosion of the Death Star was proven to be the result of a engineering flaw in its overall Design. Seeing that Darth Vader was placed in charge of the completion of the Death Star, once it was destroyed, why wasn't he fired and what ever became of the design engineers responsible?

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
You can't fire Sith lords unless you're sure you have an adequate replacement. Witness the Emperor's willingness to dispose of Vader once he thought he had Skywalker going over to the dark side.

As to the engineers and designers, I'm sure they met their end over that.


beer, I want beer
Because as a multiple amputee quadraplegic burn victim, Vader satisfied all kinds of hiring quotas for the emperor. Keeping him around helped the emperor stay on the good side of the teamsters union. Even the Sith knows not to fuck with them guys...
Not to mention that he was an Ex-slave and "Midichlorian enhanced" (which is a disability too) AND and orphan.

I'll bet Vader also had a NACCP card too (especially after he got "crispy black" after his little accident).


Let's fuck some shit up
Do you think Vader had to stand in line when he applied for workman's comp? Also, do you think that he might have cheated using the Jedi mind trick on the worker processing his case? Vader, "You will approve me for workman's comp." Republic employee, "Listen buddy, I get a hundred vets like you every day complaining about all kinds of things. Just because you tell me to approve you, doesn't mean it's gonna happen. NEXT!"


GFHH Moderator
Vader was never able to recover financially after the liability lawsuits brought by the families of the workers in the Death Star.


Holy Roman Emperor
And considering that there were over a million people on the Death Star, and all the familes sued for at least a million credits, Vader soon had to resort to prostitution to be able to pay them.


Let's fuck some shit up
Assuming that most of the "workers" on the death star were clones, there wouldn't be any need to pay the families. I'm sure that Palpatine was wise enough to make them sign waivers against liability. Chances are, those families probably sued the designers of the Death Star, because they were the ones who designed the fatal flaw. I'm sure there were all kinds of hearings to find out the source of the leak who gave the plans to the rebels, as well. Luckily, the Emperor had used is Sith power of foreknowledge and took out a large enough insurance policy with a "Rebel Alliance" clause. This is evidenced by the fact that he got funding to build a second Death Star. His premiums probably shot through the roof after that, though. When the second Death Star was destroyed, none of the remaining underwriters were willing to take his claim as the original was bankrupt by the two massive payouts for both destroyed Death Stars.


All of that paled in comparison, of course, to the controversy that ensued when the Jedi Council decided to build a Community Center for displaced Siths on Alderaan II.