Lord Raffles
New member
This is the second girlfriend I've upset in six weeks; this one is a winner... Stripper, 'life coach' & 'pet trainer', in addion to being a 'Pagan Witch' and 'animal rights' activist....
Naturally there would be conflict with a 'Thatcherite' 'Tory'...
Naturally there would be conflict with a 'Thatcherite' 'Tory'...
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
Lord Raffles says:
Lord Raffles says:
i've tried talking to you for a few days
Lord Raffles says:
how are you?
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
Lord Raffles says:
what you been up to?
Lord Raffles says:
i was worried i was being ignored or something
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
any reason why you thought you would have been?
Lord Raffles says:
well not really
Lord Raffles says:
is there something?
Lord Raffles says:
Lord Raffles says:
Lord Raffles says:
Lord Raffles says:
Someone really strange has added me to msn too
Lord Raffles says:
are you there jamie?
Lord Raffles says:
am i being ignored?
Lord Raffles says:
could i at least be given a reason for all this?
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
I know you dont give a shit, I can tell my the fact you havent even asked. But jester went to the vets for 6 days thats sunday, he almost died
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
now take your selfish ass elsewhere
Lord Raffles says:
Lord Raffles says:
because i didn't ask about a dog?
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
`a dog`
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
why on earth should I spend anymore of my time on you
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
Lord Raffles says:
so that's why you got damian to wipe Bedslam?
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
did he? excellent
Lord Raffles says:
like i care
Lord Raffles says:
i don't even post there
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
me and D havnt spoken in a month and will not again, you naive boy
Lord Raffles says:
So you're ignoring me because i didn't ask how Jester was?
Lord Raffles says:
I just assumed he was an old dog
Lord Raffles says:
and all old dogs get sick
Lord Raffles says:
like snoopy did
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
thats one of MANY reasons
Lord Raffles says:
and eventually die
Lord Raffles says:
that's a fact of life
Lord Raffles says:
get over it
Lord Raffles says:
dogs die
Lord Raffles says:
they don't live forever
Lord Raffles says:
they only last about 15 years at tops
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
and there is another one
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
Im sure you are willing to show me many more
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
you cant help yourself
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
its who you are
Lord Raffles says:
who am I?
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
a narrow minded Tory boy who still worships Thatcher
Lord Raffles says:
Better than a simplistic stripper who goes around fucking narrow minded Tory boys who still worship Thatcher– how hilarious that you actually think you has business credentials and a head for business, yet you live in a squat that smells of dog shit & piss
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
seeee? yet another reason
Lord Raffles says:
you're the most intellectually reduntant creature i've seen – you didn’t give any actual credibility to any of your arguments; you hate animal testing and ‘cruelty’ yet eat meat and wear leather. So on one hand we can’t experiment on animals, but on the other we can rip the skin off their bodies and make them our garments of clothing and consumption for living?
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
this is laughable
Lord Raffles says:
and you're so called 'psychologist' qualification
Lord Raffles says:
it isn't worth the paper it's printed on
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
I dont have that
Lord Raffles says:
you've never even gone to university
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
I never said I dif
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
Lord Raffles says:
why would anyone bother listening to a crank on any subject who has no formal qualification?
Lord Raffles says:
aside from the fact that she gets paid to take her clothes off, because she's a easy lay?
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
you think life coaching has something to do with psychology dont you
Lord Raffles says:
the dog training bullshit?
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
silly boy
Lord Raffles says:
the life coahing?
Lord Raffles says:
come on
Lord Raffles says:
life coaching is absolute bullshit
Lord Raffles says:
it's invented by morons to give simpletons a job
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
coming from someone on benefits?
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
Lord Raffles says:
because aside fromt aking their clothes off, there's very little they can do
Lord Raffles says:
I've never claimed benefits in my life
Lord Raffles says:
in fact, the inland revenue OWES me eight thousand pounds and you know that, peasant!
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
I havnt stripped in years but thats all you have on me
Lord Raffles says:
aside from the fact that your house smells like dog shit and piss?
Lord Raffles says:
such a GREAT animal trainer you are, do all your clients have houses that smell of dog shit and piss after going to one of your dog training sessions?
Lord Raffles says:
i must say
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
Look, grow up, get a job, learn about the REAL world, then you will find out your rehearsed speeches dont impress
Lord Raffles says:
I really don't give a fuck about other people's meaningless little balls of fluff they call 'family members', frankly i had somewhat more important things to worry about
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
yeah like throwing up flem every 5 mins
Lord Raffles says:
and you speak of getting a job, you think 'life coaching' is a real job?
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
very attractive
Lord Raffles says:
you live in Milford Haven
Lord Raffles says:
it's about as remote from the real world as the internet
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
one day you may grow up, mostly I think you will just get more unhappy and bitter
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
but hey
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
there ya go
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
not my problem
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
Im outta here anyway, good luck with stuff
Lord Raffles says:
yeah right, this comming from the miserable lonley creature that just throws temper tantrums at people who experiment on animals and goes as low as to fuck teenagers as a GROWN WOMEN - I was the talk of the school! hahahaha
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo says:
gee Im too generous sometimes
Lord Raffles says:
'awww, the poor fluffy animals' – when your dog dies you’ll be so upset that I don’t even NEED to say anything more here. I look forward to your incoming misery, which you’ll have to put up with on your own since you’ve got no FRIENDS since you’ve fallen out with all of them – hahahahahaha!