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Rand Paul wins.

I find Maddow insufferably smarmy, but part of me is tickled over how Paul's become her newest bete noire. I swear to god, I think she comes just a little whenever she describes the latest stupid bullshit he's uttered...

The other thing is that I don't think this'll hurt his chances, at least in Kentucky (it'll haunt him down the road, especially if he makes a presidential run.) Win or lose, he'll chalk this up as a learning experience and be a little more media-savvy in the future --assuming he's not a complete retard.
I'm at a little over 8 min into that video and Maddow has asked him directly three times if he'd be against discrimination in a private business and he finally gave some vague answer. Yet, he does have a point. There are groups, businesses, and organizations in the US that still discriminate against people. Let's take one of the US' largest boys' clubs for example: The Boy Scouts of America. They are openly discriminatory against gays. Yet, they are comfortable asking for government handouts to help them.

There's a case in Philadelphia where the BSA was housing their council headquarters in a building that was owned by the city. Due to the fact that the BSA discriminates against homosexuals, the city kicked them out of their hq. I've worked closely with the BSA for years and I have many friends within the Cradle of Liberty Council. They've vehemently disagreed with the city's decision. Whereas, I completely agree with it. Mainly because I know that a good percentage of members are either closeted gays or bisexuals.

Now, the underlying problem is not that the organization is discriminatory. It's their hosts. More than 90% of all BSA troops hold their meetings in churches. It was these churches' leaders that told the BSA national leaders that if they agreed to gays in the BSA, they'd revoke the BSA's permission to use their churches. Fucked up, right?