Love Child
One Love
His balls were in a jar by the fridge
a huge stack of them
one by one
on top of each other
I watched as he took the container
from the fridge
of orange juice
and put it to his lips
and drank
then returned
the container
to the fridge
and closed the door
the dog sang in a key
higher than any other
a marble floor
would have been
on my hot face
when the tub
was fixed
I put rouge on my eye
a huge stack of them
one by one
on top of each other
I watched as he took the container
from the fridge
of orange juice
and put it to his lips
and drank
then returned
the container
to the fridge
and closed the door
the dog sang in a key
higher than any other
a marble floor
would have been
on my hot face
when the tub
was fixed
I put rouge on my eye