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The Question

Truth is truth.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I think he looks much better, actually


The Question

Eugh. Wouldn't want to meet that in a... universe.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

The Question

Whose outfit?

EDIT: Never mind, just reverse-searched the image. What the fuck. Okay, so Santos has pretended to be:

1. A Jew.
2. A grotesque caricature of a woman, and
3. A Republican.

He should be thrown out of office on his fucking ass. I doubt it would hurt him, though, since he's probably wearing pads in his pants to fake a fucking ghetto booty.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
LOL I thought you recognized him. He's been busy denying this while his ex dragqueen friend has been posting a LOT of pics of him. The friend said he's a transvestite (as opposed to a crossdresser, whatever that distinction actually means).

Quite the piece of work. McCarthy appointed him to two committees as well. I thought R's hated drag queens.

Guess their mileage may vary.

The Question

Well, one of two possibilities:

1. Either the Republicans who should have vetted him didn't bother because they're trusting, to the point of an astonishing degree of naivete, or
2. They just assumed that we, the people, would never find out. Which, in an age where every shady, shifty, shitty fucking thing public officials do gets found out, still adds up to naivete. I will give the Republicans this, though: they don't lie about / smear the members of the public who take notice of and discuss this shit as "conspiracy theorists."

The Question

The friend said he's a transvestite (as opposed to a crossdresser, whatever that distinction actually means).
There is no distinction. Transvestite literally means 'crossdresser', etymologically.

From the Latin: 'Trans-' (Across) 'Vestis' (Dress [as in clothing])

Which, tangential topic, is why "trans" people aren't transsexuals but are, in fact, merely transvestites -- granted, transvestites who really "go the extra mile" because they're fucking crackpots who don't know the difference between "playing dress-up" and evolutionary biology. Genital mutilation, elective or otherwise, doesn't change a person's sex; nor does pumping oneself full of the opposite sex's hormones. That's why female bodybuilders who take massive amounts of anabolic steroids don't become men... they just become fucking gross.

The Question

Now, as unpopular as that opinion is, it's subject to evolution. If, at some point in the future, genetic modification makes it possible for an individual with XY chromosomes to have them modified to XX chromosomes, or vice versa, and if such modification results in that individual's body... "reformatting" itself to express the primary and secondary sex characteristics that go with the chromosomal modification, that would result in genuinely transsexual individuals.

Until then, what we are dealing with are deeply delusional transvestites.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

The Question

Yes. And it's not a theory.

Hard to call it a "conspiracy theory" while they're cheerleading it.

They call it a "conspiracy theory" -- as the first linked article suggests -- to dissuade whites from discussing it. The problem is that, as with most things the media label as, "conspiracy theories" -- it's not theoretical. And it's tough for the media to maintain that it is just a "conspiracy theory" while they're cheering about it.
More of the "Conspiracy theory":


Oh, and it's from a ((-berg.)) How... coincidental. Probably wasn't supposed to notice that. Oops. ;)

"It's a conspiracy theory bandied about by white racists and far right extremists, myehhhh!"

No... It's a boast from anti-white racists and far left extremists, that normal people, among them white people, have taken notice of and are commenting on.
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The Question

Is it still "anti-semitic" if a Jew writes it, but a Gentile extends the reach of what the Jew wrote?



The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

The Question

This guy has a few things on his to-do list:

1. Resume smoking cigarettes.
2. Resume drinking alcohol.
3. Resume writing books that are intended for audiences other than women over 65.
4. Stay in his lane. Scary stories about extradimensional homicidal clowns and crazy, naked fat dudes pushing demonically possessed lawnmowers are his lane. Political analysis... is not.

The Question

One of these Jews has much to gain, and to keep, by lying to the goyim. The other does not.