Re-imaged Star Wars trailer leaked!


I want to smell dark matter
A landspeeder comes SPEEDING by over the empty desert of Tatooine. Jawas turn their heads as it passes. It goes faster and faster, driving right towards the Pit of Carkoon. At the last possible moment, the driver, who we now see is a SMALL BOY, jumps out. The speeder lands in the mouth of the Sarlaac. The boy pulls himself out of the pit, possibly using the force to do so. A stomtrooper drives over on a speederbike.


Boy: My name is Luke Lars Skywalker!

Luke is at the Cantina at Mos Eisley fighting the "he doesn't like you/I don't like you either" guys. One of them is about to shoot him in the back when his arm is cut off by a JEDI.

Obi-Wan: I couldn't believe who you were when the bartender told me your name.

Luke: Why are you talking to me, old man?

Obi-Wan: You've always had a hard time finding your place in this galaxy. Like you were meant for something more, something bigger. Something that surrounds us, penetrates us.

Luke: ...

Obi-Wan: Your father was a Jedi for twelve years. He saved millions of lives. I dare you to do better. Come with me to Alderaan.

Luke rides a SPACEBIKE to where the DEATH STAR is being constructed on Tatooine's surface (for some reason) and looks at it longingly.

THEN cut to Kashyyyk and Chewbacca standing in front of the WOOKIEE COUNCIL including his mother who is wearing an apron.

Old Wookiee: You have always been a wookiee of two worlds and perfectly capable of choosing your own destiny. The question is, which path will you take?

Chewie looks over at HAN SOLO who is standing behind a tree.

Cut to The Millennium Falcon going into hyperspace with Tatooine behind it and LUKE, OBI-WAN, HAN and CHEWIE in the cockpit.

LOTS OF explosions and stardestroyers and stuff.

Chewie looking around frantically on Kashyyyk as the planet BURNS.

FLASH CUT to Darth Vader flicking his red lightsabre on and looking at it (it's like Nero with that pop up spear thing, you see.

Luke: Are you afraid or aren't you?

Han: Kid I've been from one side of the galaxy to the other, seen a lot of weird stuff. I will not allow you to lecture me.

Luke: Then why don't you stop me?

Han takes a swing at Luke.

X-Wings DIVING in on the surface of the Death Star.

Leia taking her top off revealing MASSIVE BREASTS while Luke watches under the bed in her detention centre.

Han and Leia KISSING until 3PO walks in on them. R2's dome is sticking out of 3PO's chest for some reason.

Lando: I like this ship! It's exciting!

C3PO: Space isn't exciting, sir. Space is blasters and deathrays wrapped up in bright lights and sound in space for dramatic reasons.

A Wampa ROARS at Luke on Hoth.

Luke: Buckle up!

Darth Vader: Anakin Skywalker was a great man once. But that was another lifetime.

Vader and Obi-Wan DUEL at the top of a bottomless pit with flames shooting up from it and shit.


Luke's X-Wing flying towards the Death Star in a suicide run.



Vader: I find your lack of faith...ANNOYING.

Vader force chokes twenty of his own officers at the same time.


I want to smell dark matter
Only if there's more slow motion american flags waving.


I want to smell dark matter
when is it coming otu


I want to smell dark matter
Instead of writing new things I'm just going to bump things I wrote three years ago from now on.