Red Lobster is in a PICKLE ... BECAUSE ... of PICKLE!


Un Banned
Folks , as I've said/warned before , DO NOT underestimate the Power(s) of PICKLE or suffer LoNAF's fate you will!

Something @Bickendan & @Loktar can attest to :(

PICKLE'S Power(s) extend into real & mainstream life as well!

PICKLE PERMABANNED me from TrekBBS 15 years ago. PICKLE gave the permaban order to his minion @T'Bonz , who then forwarded that command to her underlings at TrekBBS to carry out the deed.

Back in 2010 or 2011 PICKLE PERMABANNED Keith Olbermann from MSNBC!

And now PICKLE'S latest hostile operation is his planned purchase & ownership of RED LOBSTER!

When it comes to the business world , finance & economics , PICKLE makes JR Ewing & Quark look like TOTAL N00BS!

PICKLE makes Quark & JR Ewing TUVIXED into ONE BEING look like the BIGGEST N00B in the UNIVERSE(S) when it comes to the business world , finance & economics!

PICKLE is an EXTREMELY suave , slick , sly and SHREWD businessman!

PICKLE'S the ONE who SOLD Red Lobster ALL that shrimp , knowing it would send Red Lobster into dire straits financially. And to add insult to injury , PICKLE got ALL that shrimp from Charles Fishfarts.

PICKLE'S working BOTH sides of the street with Red Lobster :(

Red Lobster BANKRUPT? Guess WHO'S going to come along , rather CONVENIENTLY , to BUY Red Lobster & save them from extinction? PICKLE!

We all KNOW what a grandstanding narcissistic egomaniac PICKLE is. There's NO effing WAY PICKLE'S gonna let Red Lobster keep & continue with the name Red Lobster :(

PICKLE'S gonna change Red Lobster's name to RED PICKLE , DORK'S LOBSTER , or LOBSTER ALA VOYTEK :(


Zombie Hunter
OK. Whatever that was, I would like to say the reality of Red Lobster is far more fucked up than whatever that was. As I understand it, when Darden sold them off, they got bought by a company that sells shrimp. Then that company made themselves the sole source supplier of shrimp for Red Lobster so they could charge whatever they wanted. Then they changed Endless Shrimp from being a seasonal promotion to a regular item. I can't even get my head around that.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Ugh. Red Lobster.
Bottom feeders


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
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The Legendary Troll Kingdom


Un Banned
@Volpone , DON'T be MISLED. That's EXACTLY what PICKLE wants. It's OBVIOUS that PICKLE has his greedy sights set on RED LOBSTER. Just WATCH! PICKLE'S gonna be RED LOBSTER'S new owner very soon if NOT ALREADY :(

FIRST PICKLE sleazily suckers RED LOBSTER into buying his shrimp , knowing FULL WELL the whole time that that will actually CRIPPLE Red Lobster BIGTIME financially. RED LOBSTER is NOW in FINANCIAL FREEFALL :( thanks & due ENTIRELY to PICKLE.

& THEN PICKLE comes back & is VERY CONVENIENTLY Red Lobster's SAVIOR by buying RED LOBSTER , which PICKLE has probably already done :(

@Volpone , DON'T underestimate or dismiss the Power(s) of PICKLE or suffer LoNAF's fate you will :(

& THAT'S something BOTH @Loktar & @Bickendan can testify to :(