Return Of The Draft --THIS IS NOT A DRILL.


Even if this were to come to pass, the Coyote household has two members both with an Honorable Discharge, one older daughter who can't wait to get into the Army (with a daddy that will gladly sign her permission slip when she turns 17), and a younger daughter who has dual citizenship with the UK. Good luck here.
As far as I can tell, even I would be subject to it, fucked-up eyesight and all, just in a civilian role. No idea WTF kind of civilian support role I'd be capable of, outside of possible computer/network related shiznit. Even if I were deemed combat-capable, I wouldn't fuckin' go. No way. Not because I have anything against military service, I just don't feel like fighting what ought to be Israel's fuckin' war.
Messenger said:
Just pretend to be suicidal. Or get a White Power tat. Lots of 'em.

Well, I don't think I'd be able to pull off the suicidal bit. No one would buy it. But what's a good and subtle but still-recognizable WP tattoo design? SS Runes on a shoulder, you think? I wouldn't want to go overboard, but it'd still have to get the job done.
It's not a drill- that this is the six billionth time a liberal Democrat has proposed a draft. It's a complete lie from the people who do nothing but lie.

If the Marine and Army commanders needed more troops in Iraq, they'd be demanding it. Why no calls for 100,000 or 200,000 more troops from the actual commanders? Why only from liberal Democrats?

Because the Democrats see political opportunity over our troops, as they always have. Disgusting.
