Troll Kingdom

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Right, then, Wacky! Where's your head at?

The Question

(We've secretly replaced CaptainWacky's regular TQ with his old high school physical education instructor. Let's see if he notices.)

Right! Where's your head at, Wacky, hey? Are you on the team? Are you on the team, young Master Wacky? Have we got ahead of you, then? Hey? Are you with us? 'ave you graced us wi' yer presence? Are we worthy of Yer Wacky-ness, then? No? Yer not with us this morning, is it? 'ave we got too far ahead for Your Wackyship? Do not we meet wi' yer 'oly APPROOOOOOOOVAL, is it? YOU HAD OUGHT GET YER 'EAD OUT OF THE CLOUDS, WEE MAN! STRAIGHTEN YER WEE LORDLY LACES, HEY! GET ON THE TEAM, YOUNG MASTER WACKY, JOIN US HERE ON PLANET EARTH, MY WEE LORD, OR YOU'LL FIND A GREAT HAIRY POO IN YER SAINTED EYE!
One pill makes you bigger, and one pill makes you small
And the pills that mother gives you make you vomit on the dog
Then mother makes you clean up the dog or "no supper for you" and even if you do it she isn't satisfyied and she burns you with cigarettes she does and says "I wish you'd never been born!"
CaptainWacky said:
Then mother makes you clean up the dog or "no supper for you" and even if you do it she isn't satisfyied and she burns you with cigarettes she does and says "I wish you'd never been born!"

That's when you pick up the dog by its hind legs and swing it at the bitch like a Louisville Slugger with teeth.
