Troll Kingdom

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So I watched the Rumble today. It's the match I'm most interested in every year, really. So was it any good? It was decent. It had some of the same problems as last year. But first the good points. One of the things I look for in a Royal Rumble match is for there to be action all the way through with no slow spots and this year they managed to achieve that for the most part. It did slow down a bit in the second half but it was never boring. The stuff with CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and William Regal near the start was excellent. John Morrison's amazing stunt to avoid elimination was the highlight of the match (of course whenever Morrison does anything like this and it looks like he's on the way to be a main eventer again they just have him lose again.) Chavo Guerrero hitting like a dozen suplexes was awesome and unexpected. The story with Nexus working together was done well (for a while at least.) Booker T got a great reaction and looked good while he lasted. Del Rio winning was something different (though really he did nothing in the match, they could have at least had him come in a bit earlier) and the final bit with Santino coming back in was great comedy and I almost wish they'd given him the fluke win.

BUT like last year they didn't have anyone last the whole match. I think Punk was the longest and he was probably only about 35 minutes. There were few unexpected eliminations (Big Show beiing eliminated by Zeke I suppose, but Big Show is hardly an unstoppable monster anymore) and mostly the jobbers were eliminated easily and only the main eventers got to look good. I mentioned Booker T being a nice surprise but he literally only last a minute which was pathetic and seemed to totally piss of the fans. Diesel was treated the same way, though physically he couldn't really do anything so it was probably for the best. And sorry but I still fucking hate Cena's superman act, eliminating the whole Nexus by himself and needing Miz to interfere to get him out of the match. If you look back at someone like The Rock he was never booked to be this superhuman and would at least be eliminated from a Royal Rumble cleanly. It was quite funny how Cena only got half the reaction Booker did and how they kept trying to do an epic staredown between him and Orton but the crowd didn't give a fuck.

SO YEAH they should just let me book the Royal Rumble.
If the proper fans would be allowed to book all the time, WWE would be out of business, it would be that damned good.