RUN, don't walk, to see X-Men First Class

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I'll be honest, I really wasn't up on the buzz for this movie; I knew January Jones was playing Emma Frost, but that was it. So this wasn't a must-see for me. A couple of weeks ago I found out that James McAvoy was playing Charles Xavier, and that intruiged me. Plus, my older son wanted to see it, because on Nick they're marketing it all about the young mutants.

So we went to an early matinee this morning, and I was blown away. Man, was it good! Aside from a terribly miscast Jones, everyone gives a crackling performance. Especially McAvoy, and the stellar Michael Fassbender. I'm not giving anything away, but if you ever imagined Magneto as an ass-kicking Nazi hunter, well this is your movie. Seriously, Fassbender is amazing.

Setting the movie in the 60's was a stroke of genius. It allows us to see Charles and Erik in an entirely different light, back when they were swingin' dudes, and the best of friends.

There are also a ccouple of cameos that are great, and one "OH MY GOD!" moment at the climax of the film.

I am verly close to calling this the best X-Men movie. I give a slight edge to X2, but this movie is damned close. Anyone else see it?
Saw it last wednesday, best cameo ever, missed the second one because I thought she was just being Emma.

I liked it a lot, but thought it could have done with being a little shorter.

I am actually looking forward to seeing this, mainly due to the McAvoy casting. He rarely makes bad film choices.
I've got a date to see it tomorrow night. First X-men film I haven't seen on opening day (X3 doesn't count since it doesn't exist).
LoL. It's likely I'll get dragged to it anyways by someone with an obessive Cameron Diaz worship. But the trailers have been funny to me. :)
Yep, saw it last night and it did not disappoint.

The cameos were brilliant, and I saw a few more in the cerebro scene. Had to be paying even more attention.

Michael Fassbender is my new god.

And yeah, January Jones was horribly miscast. Emma Frost is a seductive bitch, not a petulant child, which is how she came off.

When I think about the first two films (I still don't acknowledge the third one) I can see how kid friendly they are. First Class is definitely a much more mature movie.

"Go fuck yourself."
^^Agreed, my 7-year old was kinda bored. Fassbender IS God, no doubt. I'd like to see a Magneto movie with him as a Nazi hunter.
I already said this, but I think the important thing to recognize is that limiting yourself to the text of “First Class,” Magneto is the good guy and he ends the film leading a rainbow coalition of red-skinned, blue-skinned, brown-skinned, Jewish, and female crusaders for mutant pride. The X-Men are led by a Professor Xavier who’s not just naive, but callow and hypocritical. Naturally he attracts a team of privileged white men and the self-loathing Hank McCoy. But the moral here is precisely that the struggle for justice won’t be waged by a team of enlightened white dudes. The team of enlightened white dudes is offering a kind of craven appeasement, while the multi-hued emergent Brotherhood of Mutants stands for self-respect.
I already said this, but I think the important thing to recognize is that limiting yourself to the text of “First Class,” Magneto is the good guy and he ends the film leading a rainbow coalition of red-skinned, blue-skinned, brown-skinned, Jewish, and female crusaders for mutant pride. The X-Men are led by a Professor Xavier who’s not just naive, but callow and hypocritical. Naturally he attracts a team of privileged white men and the self-loathing Hank McCoy. But the moral here is precisely that the struggle for justice won’t be waged by a team of enlightened white dudes. The team of enlightened white dudes is offering a kind of craven appeasement, while the multi-hued emergent Brotherhood of Mutants stands for self-respect.

I never thought of of X-Men that way, but now that I think about it even in the 90's X-Men cartooon, Xavier is a dick. Always entering people's minds with or without their permisssion.
I haven't seen it yet but my brother called it easily the best of the X films and even put it on a level with Dark Knight. Now the boy wants to see it after initially turning it down, he came up in typical teen fashion and said, "so that xmen doesn't look TOO bad I guess." which is teanager for "Don't see it without me."