Russell Brand: Skinned


Is this real life?
Good ol Russ interviewed by Frank Skinner with some excerpts of his shows. Anyone else watch it? I thought it was brilliant.
Yes, I meant t start a thread before...but forgot. It was good. I wonder if some of his "haters" will watch and realise he's not SATAN INCARNATE like their newspapers tell them. Probably not.
hate them both passionately so probs not, ps i dont watch telly anymore its weak especially when u can watch anything u want whenever u want on tinterweb

plus i was probally in the basement flaming fake jillian bacardi when it was on and thats much more fun no doubt.

If it comes up on C4's youtube channel I'll download it and then upload it to dropbox or something.

He made some great points about the way tabloid newspapers remove all the subtleties of a story so they can paint themselves as having the moral highground.