Troll Kingdom

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beer, I want beer

Christ. This guy RWC needs to get a life! He continues to claim he destroyed TROLLWARS when they destroyed themselves. If anything, the closest person to have possibly destroyed TROLLWARS would be me because I was he last person to talk to CLEO and I had her absolutely freaking out. Strange that she would leave the site right afterwards. RWC was nowhere to be found at the time because he had been banned for spamming the site. How can one 'destroy' a site from which he was banned?? WTF? Someone's been spiking his breast milk yet again. He then claims he destroyed the TrollWars backup sites. Strange since he has claimed from Day One to its shutdown that it was he who created it yet in the same thread above he claims to have 'discovered' the site and destroyed it. He destroyed his own creation?

I have also checked TROLLVALHALLA. He was banned for spamming. EVERYONE here gets banned for the same reason. I myself was banned for spamming a single link. Just one link. Do not talk about hypocritical TW'ers without first looking at yourselves you fucking cocksuckers.
Sigma said:
He did destroty it

[COLOR="Yellow[SIZE="4"][/SIZE]"] How? He was banned when I was the last one to talk to CLEO before she fucked off. Ironically I had completely pissed her off just before she closed down the site for good. RWC did not destroy it. CLEO did. I would venture to guess that I was the final blow. How does one who was banned manage to destroy a site? RWC's last actions within TROLLWARS was to spam the fuck out of the site. It was fine after he was banned. Not a single glitch. So what the fuck are you talking about cunt?[/COLOR]
im talking about them not banning people. i read the threads and it was mentalist and messenger who did most of the work. I saw not a single thread of yours at that place, and rwc was there before both of them
SaintLucifer said:

Christ. This guy RWC needs to get a life! He continues to claim he destroyed TROLLWARS when they destroyed themselves. If anything, the closest person to have possibly destroyed TROLLWARS would be me because I was he last person to talk to CLEO and I had her absolutely freaking out. Strange that she would leave the site right afterwards. RWC was nowhere to be found at the time because he had been banned for spamming the site. How can one 'destroy' a site from which he was banned?? WTF? Someone's been spiking his breast milk yet again. He then claims he destroyed the TrollWars backup sites. Strange since he has claimed from Day One to its shutdown that it was he who created it yet in the same thread above he claims to have 'discovered' the site and destroyed it. He destroyed his own creation?

I have also checked TROLLVALHALLA. He was banned for spamming. EVERYONE here gets banned for the same reason. I myself was banned for spamming a single link. Just one link. Do not talk about hypocritical TW'ers without first looking at yourselves you fucking cocksuckers.

What an amusing little story dear....

However since you're new here, I should tell you that stories like these do much much better in the GFHH forum. We aren't really nazis about it or anything, just a little suggestion that maybe these kinds of threads would be read to and responded by more people if it was in the proper forum.

You enjoy your stay at TK...

toodles dear....
