Troll Kingdom

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Sadie B


New member
Hey Baby!! pics/redlips.gif

I saw your vote of confidence in the Trolling Contest thread.

Sadistic Bastard said:
Skin - for the past. His alter-ego isn't bad either WHEN he pays attention to this place.

Jillian - Even though I really hate that woman, the fact that she is able to get under so many people's skin is worthy of a mention.

Third...well...that would be for someone I haven't figured out yet.
Ecclesiastes 1:13
And I set my mind to seek and explore by wisdom concerning all that has been done under heaven. It is a grievous task which God has given to the sons of men to be afflicted with.

Any Who Who................there is a thin line between love and hate.

I am flattered..........there is a thin line between love and hate.

Any Who Who..........far be it from me to piss everyone on a troll board off!!! I think most of you are out of your damn minds. Screw online trolling, I am going to start having some fun and troll in real life!!!

YesSirBuddy!!!! I am going to find me a man, have him hook me up to a car battery, give me a wine enema, then tell me to "OBEY" him as he administers electrical shocks!!!!!!!

Of course...........I will axe him to quote verses from the Bible while he is doing it.
You do know that Sadistic Bastard is a guy, right? And you also know that "Sadie" is a girl's name, right? And you also know that it's a federal offense to impersonate a federal agent, right?
^^Fuck off The Question. This is a troll board, if I were impersonating a federal agent do you think I would be posting all this crap as JillianBacardi???

oh wait...............nevermind.

*I wish I could change my user name*

oh wait.........nevermind.
The Question said:
And you also know that "Sadie" is a girl's name, right? And you also know that it's a federal offense to impersonate a federal agent, right?

Sadie B can be any name I want it to be. Right?? Do you think you are in any kind of position to threaten me???

GTW..........what did I tell you a long time ago?? Their arrogance & superiority will be their downfall.
Then ride me.........Dirty.


loosen up those buttons.........

then cyber me........*JillianBacardi shivers, then shimmy's, then gets the ride of her life* make sure you keep are good at it. Better than Cockney_Rebel.
The Question said:
And you also know that it's a federal offense to impersonate a federal agent, right?

Do you have handcuffs??

I think you should arrest me.

Then ride me dirty.

Ride me bareback.

*Jillian makes noise like a filly*

You know you want to.

Just think of the release!!!!!!!!

You ever ridden bareback??

Pull your badge out.

Read me my rights in cyber.

CAuse I know how much you like it..............

when I make posts like this.
It's really old. It was good last year, but you've been obsoleted. :::laughing:::
I post here, fuckley. Reading is one of the things I do. I study personas. I studied yours.

You were better off letting the legend you carefully crafted precede you.
Found any hookers yet? Why two?? They tag off..........when one of the hookers mouth or hand gets tired from TRYING to make you hard, the other one takes over.