Troll Kingdom

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beer, I want beer
Once again your beloved SAINTLUCIFER has been banned!! Not only that but the Admins are accessing and using his account!! Lovely!! Have yourselves a good life.
Coincidence? I spammed the shit out of TK and suddenly they are experiencing technical difficulties? Moi did all that? Come now. I could not possibly have fucked up TK or could I have? No matter. True I spammed TK but I never did it out of maliciousness (this is not me defending myself, it is merely me stating fact) but out of complete boredom. I could not get to sleep so I decided to try and make myself fall asleep by hoping the effort of spamming TK would put me to sleep. Finally CAITRONA did a wonderful thing. She banned me. Whew. I was waiting for that as it forced to me get to sleep. I should like to take this moment to thank CAITRONA for her efforts on my behalf. I finally managed to get to sleep.

CAITRONA? Mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Thank You!! Fuck I needed that sleep and badly. You are but a GODDESS!! Yes I am aware I gave you grief with my spamming but what else was I to do? I was so fucking bored out of my skull. It was either spam the site or bang my head against a wall in the hope I would do it hard enough that it would knock me out. As I have something against wounds I decided to go ahead with the former. Once again CAITRONA, MWAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!! As I am now banned I am out of here. Have a good day.
SaintLucifer said:
Coincidence? I spammed the shit out of TK and suddenly they are experiencing technical difficulties?
Do you think any of the Mine Field people stopped and thought "gEE, mAyBe My SPAMMING hAD sOMETHING to do WiTh tHe SeRVER!" ?

You spammed last night - have you been BANNED?

As I am now banned I am out of here. Have a good day.
OMG You're a fucking idiot!

You don't even know what a simple word like 'ban' is meant to represent! Please tell me this is all act, because I can't tell if it's funny or if we should worry about you.

I told him I'd toss his ass back down here if he didn't behave. Did he behave? Oh, nooooo, he couldn't possibly do that. :gagh:
I like how the TW folks just parrot each others posts, like it's a consensus :)