Troll Kingdom

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beer, I want beer
*ROTFLMAO then wipes away a tear of laughter* I love it!! It actually does work!! I copied JILLIAN's style to a 'T' and look at the results!! Everyone freaking out, angry as hell at me!! *ROTFLMAO* Too much!! Kudos to JILLIAN for giving me the idea!! Damn. I thought it was juvenile but it certainly packs the shit in! Look at everyone losing it, attempting to tell me this and that. *ROTFLMAO*. You think I don't know EVERYONE has access to my IP address? Who gives a shit? I have always been aware anyone could find it simply by visiting that sci-fi site you MORONS. You think you are the first ones to say 'oh look, your IP address is on that sci-fit site'. They then post it. I merely tell them 'what are you going to do with it'? Christ. I have been doing this for so long I have not even bothered to hide the IP address.
Did you see TAMAR and MESSENGER absolutely flipping out?? I love how MANDI started to believe I was JILLIAN herself! The very inventor of this style. Thank you JILLIAN for the idea!! It was WONDERFUL! The way both MESSEDUP and TAMAR were running around attempting to cover their asses. See that e-mail address? That was the username I was talking about RWC having used along with the SAMIR e-mail address. OMMFG. You guys completely bought it. The ultimate TROLL!! I am GOD!!! Get those hooks out of your mouths TAMAR and MESSENGER.
MESSENGER? You do recall posting that little tidbit where you claim TAMAR banned me from WORDFORGE? I saw it immediately. What? Are you fucking stupid? When I said it was an IP-ban you should have seen the bullshit I was spewing immediately. How many times have I told you I could get around any IP ban? I saw EVERYTHING in Wordforge the very moment you mentioned it. You bought my explanation that I could not see it. What a fucking DUMBASS. Posting the terrible links was just out of fun. This is after all a troll site is it not? No doubt I will get banned but I could care less. I grow weary of this place anyway. It's getting old. I am hoping to be perma-banned so that I may take a hiatus away from this site.
TAMAR? I knew someone was bullshitting about you and the wheelchair crap. You admitted yourself it was untrue. Oh. By the way, next time be certain to never post information proven this fact. I was laughing at your explanation that you use the wheelchair for 'other reasons'. Christ I can smell bullshit a mile away.

Understand one thing and understand it well. I have PWNED this entire site today and you know it. You all bought it HOOK, LINE and SINKER.

Bless you MANDI for thinking I was JILLIAN!! That was so cute. Shows how well I did this. I may not set out to TROLL someone but I thought I would give it a go. I succeeded beyond my wildest expectations!! *ROTFLMAO*