beer, I want beer
I quite find it most amusing that BAD DOG, SAREK and GURK_MAGUINTY all continue to post in the great SaintLucifer's direction. They are too stupid to realise they have all been placed on my IGGY list. I have not read a single post of theirs in over a week, SAREK much longer. What amazes me is the fact all three KNEW I had them on my IGGY list, yet they continue to post. I call this the PWN to end all PWNs. They may as well post to themselves. Did I not state that the three share one trait? They are all complete MORONS. The mere fact they keep posting responses to my posts is proof of this. They entire threads I create, yet they are too stupid to realise they are wasting energy. In a word, I shall address this trio as the 'DUH!'
See below, proof that BAD DOG, SAREK and GURK_MACGUINTY are all fucking MORONS:
See below, proof that BAD DOG, SAREK and GURK_MACGUINTY are all fucking MORONS: