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Well-known member
Salvia Divinorum a.k.a. "Diviner's Sage"

A sub species of the common sage herb, Salvia is a potent hallucinegen. Often compared to DMT as the "business man's high" as the duration is relatively short, approximately a half-hour of intense high followed by an hour or two of come down.

It's also know as a "rocket ship ride to the void" but it really depends on how much light is in the room as to how much "void" you experience.

Here's what you do. Get yourself a clean, glass bong. Get yourself a gram of salvia extract - basically the equivilent of hash - an alchohol soaked, powerful version of the plant. Pack the cone (with screen) with the entire gram, and toke the entire gram in one pull. It's good to have a butane lighter for this, really torch that bowl and get it in your lungs. Hold it as long as possible... but if you do it right, you'll be tripping bawls (i really mean tripping fucking buckwild bawls) before you can think to exhale.


Do this with a partner, someone who's going to take the nice glass bong from you when you fall backwards, preferably onto a bed. Also... half of drug safety is knowing that you'll be okay, and that they're there for your safety. Don't worry about overdosing, there's no such thing with this drug. Your body adapts very quickly to the drug, and it gets absorbed quickly. If you perceive anything wrong with your body, it's not happening. It's all in your mind.


Before you can exhale, it should start to slip in. The first thing you'll notice is a circular shift in your visual pattern, not unlike good acid. Next, you're not there. Effectively the drug has cut off any sort of rememberance of actual reality, you get to make up a new reality right there on the spot. This new reality is tripping it's bawls off, mind you, so it'll be a little off.


I tripped in the late afternoon, so light was in the room and my visual senses were flooded. No void for me. I was sent into some place made entirely by triangles, including myself. Moving my head clacked all of the triangle bits into different configurations, it was stunning and frightening. As my trip peaked I looked into a spiral that beheld infinity herself. I thought to myself, "Wait. Have I exhaled yet?" I had, about six minutes ago.

^ really strong shit, almost scary


Depends on the dose and the delivery. In the method I mentioned above you can expect fifteen minutes of "otherworld" and fifteen minutes of tripping bawls. After that about an hour of happy trippy comedown.

Smoking the regular plant (not the extract) you'll have to hit about five bowls in rapid succession to get to the "otherworld", if you time it wrong you may not get there. In such a case your peak will be less intense, but a bit longer and less scary. Probably a five minute peak with an hour or two of happy-trippy comedown.

You can also ingest the plant in a plug, pushed between your cheek and your gums. Instead of a hallucinigenic experience, you'll have a long euphoric body-high type day where you forget a lot of things. It's definitely pleasant, but not crazy of trippy.
When I smoked the extract, the high hit too fast for me to see exactly what I was perceiving, so I was just placed in the triangle dimension uncerimoniously.

When I smoked the plant, I was able to see the gradual build up into that crazy state... it looked like the wall of reality in front of me was breaking up and I was getting glimpses of the next "reality" placed just behind what we normally perceive. While it was informative as to the nature of the plant, I prefer the extract.

Why go halfway, you know? If you're going to make a night of it, go ahead and visit Saturn if you have the tools.
I can have peyote on me and not get arrested by the cops. All I gotta do is flash my Indian card.

You're not old, fool!

I find Sally a little scary, to be quite honest. My one foray was pretty intense.

(Once again I really miss yous guys.)
What, so, five minutes a day wouldn't be enough for you huh? It's gotta be four hours of spam spam spam or it's nothin', huh?

I understand. See you soon, big lug.
I've done Salivia before. Had to smoke fucking tons of it though. The best effect I got out of it was a feeling of everything rushing behind me. That was pretty cool and I did totally lose my spacial awareness for a moment but I was back on the hash in short order. Never a fan of the stuff.