Sardy arrested for streaking???

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
OMFG! As luck would have it, I happened to be in my car an hour ago, listening to my local morning guys, Preston and Steve. Normally I'm in my office at this time, so I though it would be great to hear a segment they call "The Bizarro File". It's basically weird and warped stories from around the world.

After a story about a fish with two mouths, they started talking about a man being arrested for streaking. I was jolted out of autopilot when I hear theh name, Sardy's exact real name (I'm sure it's been posted here numerous times, but I won't repeat it) in a story. Lo and behold a man with Sardy's name was arrested for streaking at Carthage High School, in Carthage, New York! Apparently "the man" stripped down and started running through the hallways. They caught him because he was a former student. WTF?? Christmas prank gone awry???

What gives??


Sardy forgoet his tin-foil helmet again...and the aliens like a good joke as much as the next sentient being.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Oddly enough, I can't find anything about this story online!


New Member
well that sucks

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
They said SC*** C. C***!! I mean it, his whole full name!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know

Seriously, was it you? You can 'fess up! Don't you live near where the incident ocurred??


I'm not wearing any panties!!
This just proves this board is full of degenerates. I'm not sure why I joined. I'm afraid the FBI will eventually start investigating and the NSA too since they are doing that now to everyone.

I can't believe George Bush is such a loser that he is tapping phones of innocent americans just because he likes the power and watns to keep the Pateriot act alive. He should be impeached for being a putz and we should get a president that will protect it's people not just use them for his own purposes. I'm sure he's tappig phones to help big corporations and to get his poll number up. The fuck head.


I want to smell dark matter
Remember Sardy's post in TNZ about Ground Zero becoming the most haunted spot in the world? BECAUSE I DO.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Remember Captain Wacky's post about Sardy's post about Ground Zero being the most haunted place in the world? I vaguely remember that one, in late aught-five.

The Question

Ironclad said:
Sardy forgoet his tin-foil helmet again...and the aliens like a good joke as much as the next sentient being.

It's funny, but ever since I saw the Dukes of Hazzard movie, I can't help picturing Sardy as bearing a disturbing resemblance to the dude with the armadillo helmet.