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SB's Announcement thread.

S. SaDiablo

New member
A few questions...

Can I still get in if I'm not wearing panties?

What can I expect once inside?

And where is all this smut of which you speak, sir?

In the absence of panties, you may simply provide evidence of said lack and proceed to the appropriate line.

Your expectations may varry, depnding the line you choose.

Regarding new smut, I just posted a rather long story "The Novice" in the "bring back the smut" thread.

The other contributors (and I failed to add the lovely and talented cinch to my original list) appear to be LATE with their contributions.

But then again, I am no longer a board-god, so my wrath may not be quite so awe inspiring.

My Dear Miss SaDiablo,

I have a few options on how one could verify your panty-less state...
However, you are an inteligent woman, let's see how creative you are.

(sits back and thoughtfully sips his Whiskey as I observe)
Sadistic Bastard said:

My Dear Miss SaDiablo,

I have a few options on how one could verify your panty-less state...
However, you are an inteligent woman, let's see how creative you are.

(sits back and thoughtfully sips his Whiskey as I observe)

I slowly walk up to SB and straddle his lap... Grinning ever so slightly, I take the Whiskey from his hand and take a sip while I take his other hand in mind and slide it underneath my skirt...

Proof enough?