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There is a family in this town someone needs to interview and write a book about before they start dying.......they are in their 60's,70,s now. This is a true rags to riches tale~~ It is about 8 brothers and the mother who raised them by herself, it is about 8 brothers who stuck together, who came from the depths of poverty to be millionaires and they did it by working hard, by being honest, investing their money wisely...........I am not sure if any of them even have a high school education thought their children and grandchildren do.
I have always thought that someone needs to write a book about their lives, it would rival Sam Walton's.
FederalAgent007 said:
There is a family in this town someone needs to interview and write a book about before they start dying.......they are in their 60's,70,s now. This is a true rags to riches tale~~ It is about 8 brothers and the mother who raised them by herself, it is about 8 brothers who stuck together, who came from the depths of poverty to be millionaires and they did it by working hard, by being honest, investing their money wisely...........I am not sure if any of them even have a high school education thought their children and grandchildren do.
I have always thought that someone needs to write a book about their lives, it would rival Sam Walton's.

Wait! I know this story!! I saw a movie once!! Eight Wives for Eight Brothers!! What foot stomping music that movie had!! Yip yip yeehaw!!
What do you expect bitch? Your threads are everywhere in MY forum. MINE. If you do not like sharing MY forum with me, then leave as you have threatened to do.