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See you in Court Sarek


New member
In the meantime.................find out who Robert LAYman is. It might surprize some of you to find out what a dirty Bastard he is.
YEAAAAAA>...............a lot of you aren't in the report that is circulating. There are two other reports. I am saving the BEST for LAST.

I haven't seen Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson on MSNBC today..........wierd. I would think they would be trying to git all the air time possible since they love playing the race card.

Perhaps they got my report whereby I named a bunch of BLACK people who tried to ruin me. I sent the Tennessee report today. It included the dirty law enforcement people I suspect have connections to the KKK in Pulaski.

That should GIT them going....................KKK members, law enforcement, Dirty Black thugs...........this is the stuff movies are made of.

^I know. Here is the dealio Messenger.............a lot of people on this board have fucked up. A lot of people on related boards have screwed up........I think some of them have remorse and can be rehabilitated. There are some that need to be dealt with because they are mean/cruel/dirty people who have no decency and cannot be rehabilitated.

There are two people I have met in real life that cannot be rehabilitated..............Mike Davis and Robert Layman. I think they are in the Jack Burden camp but Jack was not a malicious person like Mike and Robert. I will cut Jack the first deal...............if he doesn't play then I will call the rest of them into the fold along with Jack, Dawn and the Nion bunch.

I haven't met the others I have questions about........I will give them the opportunity at a later date but Mike and Robert are two people who are going down. Let this serve as warning to those of you in the same camp.

Gagh is rehabilitated. Deep down he feels bad about what happened.

I think..............I hope Gagh is really who I think he is.

I have real life names now.................I just haven't been told who their user names are.

Canadian Ducks in Washington D.C.???

Representative?? whats up with that?? I just learned this one.

^Do you ride a motorcycle?

messenger? do you know?

^do you have big hands, big feet?

OMG!! that isn't real.

I can't even post in the shout box. Oppressed by the Man.

I love his music, have always heard the spirituality in his music, but never knew he was a religious man. I have followed his political activism and have admired the Irish fighter in him............most notably his fight for the AIDS victims in Africa which I think has gone on so long it will take a miracle to reign it in since his plea's have fallen on deaf ears and all the money that has been sent to the patient's has fallen into corrupt hands.

My church showed an interview between a Christian leader and Bono tonight. It was quite inspiring for me and showed a whole other side of him that the media has not given him enough credit for since they tend to highlight his activism more than anything. He gave the church a good deal to think about since they do not like to get involved in politics which I can understand since you should have the separation of church/state. The problem with this is the corruption in our government has become too widespread for Christians to be complacent..............they are going to have to elect stronger leaders to take on our government, the corruption and our Judicial system that has become a catastrophe to everyone. How can they preach right/wrong, rich/poor, good/evil..........yet ignore what is going on before their very eyes. I am not sure what the solution is except to keep building Christian businesses that will only do business with each other, build their own army's, build their own governments to take over the corruption we should no longer tolerate because it is taking away from the good we should and could be doing if not for all the evil people who are taking our attention away from charitable/giving and turning our people into greedy, self-serving assholes.
We cannot afford to look the other way any has come to a critical point. The churches can no longer "preach" passively and expect people to follow when they are allowing our governments to oppress.

Of course I will be labeled crazy, schizo and everything else since that is how 80% of you think of people like me who are willing to take a stand on their own. Call me what you will...................I know what I am. Stronger than any of you could ever hope to be. I continue to survive and grow stronger every day. I will become a force to be reckoned with.

Go on with your bad self Bono................U2!! I am totally behind you guys. I have a whole new respect for all of you.

He is here.

I am Gagh, do not fret Grammour Boy.

jack said:
Yes it is, and it's MINE. I wondered what happened to it. Can you imagine LOSING something that big?

I cannot imagine a man having one that big.............what would you do with it?? No woman could take it.

I think TK is populated by doubt about it.

No delusions there!

or here.

I think there are delusional criminals on this website.

You didn't answer my you have big hands and feet?? *Jillian gits excited*

^Do you have delusions that people are out to get you and that TK is populated by criminals?