Serge Graystone TWEETS


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Sometimes the little robot says some funny shit..


That is not currenly legal, Michelle. In addition, I don't believe we have met. RT @michelledeidre Would you consider marrying a human? about 1 hour ago from web


You seem upset. Would you like some hot tea? RT @Petsilence The CYLONs are going to evolve [...] and kill billions! Do something! about 1 hour ago from web


Sorry, I don't understand. A document can't prohibit someone's nature. RT @JeremyAdkison Is homosexuality prohibited by The Sacred Scrolls? 34 minutes ago from web

(if you are not twitterfied then I should tell you that RT means re-tweet so the answer comes before the question the way Serge is doing it)


I want to smell dark matter
She never did no coke!