Sex and the City Cynthia Nixon Article

Love Child

One Love
So much for free speech eh

Date: Wed January 25, 2012
Cynthia Nixon, who played Miranda on "Sex and the City," says she chose to be gay. This angered a constantly fighting to prove that they were born gay, and didn't make the choice.

Listen to 'Sex and the City' Star Angers the Gay Community
Cynthia Nixon is best known for playing the red headed lawyer, Miranda, on the TV show (and movies) Sex and the City. But this week, the gay community is very unhappy with some comments she's made about sex...or, rather, her sexual orientation.
Nixon is engaged to a woman, who she has a child with, but before that she was married to a man for 15 years. She recently made a speech to a gay audience, and said “I've been straight and I've been gay, and gay is better.” She said that she chose to be gay. Afterward, she told New York Times magazine that she'd been asked to take back her comment - but she refused, saying: “For me, it is a choice. I understand that for many people it’s not, but for me it’s a choice, and you don't get to define my gayness for me.”
"I'm just very disappointed," says Sean Nettle, associate editor at Seattle Gay News. "I don't understand why someone in our community would decide, in 2012, while in three different states we're going for marriage equality, that now is the time to bring up that we choose to be gay. Something that a lot of our opponents peg us on is that we've chosen to be this way. I don't believe that to be the case. I do believe that you are born lesbian or gay."
Sure, Nixon technically has a right to define her own "gayness," but being a celebrity, she has a huge voice, and her comment was poorly timed.
"People are really paying attention to what you say, it's under a microscope. At this point, in our struggle for equality, from employment nondescrimination to marriage equality, I don't understand why someone, who is a part of our community, would even engage in this sort of conversation."
Nixon has actually been an advocate for gay rights and gay marriage, and has spoken at several rallies .
Back to what she said: “I've been straight and I've been gay, and gay is better.” I thought that was rather polarizing, and not a positive thing for someone in the gay rights movement to say that one orientation is better than the other.
"I don't think a lot of us in the LGBT community feel that one is better than the other. At the end of the day, the message that we're trying to get across is that we're all just people. We love the same. We hurt the same. What she really means, how I read into it, was 'I lived the straight lifestyle for a while and I found that I prefer women over men. That is a much better way to explain how you feel."

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Activist gays are the angry ones, because they are battling a war with gay-haters based on labels, definitions and legal status. The labels are important because how you describe yourself (and allow others to describe you) has social and political repercussions.

But for myself, when I first read what she said, it didn't bother me. I think she's speaking from a place where I hope we can all get to, where most of these wars/battles over labels and rights are done, and people don't lean on the labels or the nature/nurture theories as much, because people just won't care anymore. We're a long way off from that time, but I don't think that we as a society should be so focused on the current battles we're facing that we stunt our own potential evolution.

But there's a lot of hateful ignorant retards out there, so that's why God created alcohol.

Dr Dave

I don't see the big deal, she said she made a choice for her, and that it did not represent all people in the gay community.

I don't believe in the premise that she should keep silent and tow the party line (so to speak) because she is a celebrity. She has just as much right to voice her opinion (regardless of what it is) just as much as anybody else.

Love Child

One Love
I was not popular in my on line classes when I would point out the folly in people using celebrities as role models and expecting them to act different because their little 6 year old loves Britany Spears. I think the same goes for adults, and what they believe in and what they stand for or don't stand for. I also think the rich can spend their money how they want. People are always so quick to criticize what charities they donate to or don't donate to. They fucking worked hard for their money they can do with it what they want.
If somebody told me I couldn't say or do what I wanted-

Unless I had a contract with a company in which I was representing and making money-then I would have to present myself in a certain way, that is different. That is something I agreed to.

It is not like she represents a whole. She is another person like anyone.

Am I on the topic?


I want to smell dark matter
Why is no one bisexual anymore.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Every time you masturbate, you are bisexual.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I know lots of them. I would only sleep with one of them. (He was my first)


I want to smell dark matter