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Boobie inspector
How often do you think about it?

How often do you get it?

Why is the first number always bigger than the second?
Well, I'll be brave and answer this.

I think about it everyday.

I get it about four times a week. Depending on if he's out of town or our work schedules.
I think about how I'd like to see new pics of famous girls I like in nice dresses every few minutes.
I've cut down to daily on thinking.

I'm cut down on all other forms of sex as well. APART FROM ROBOT SEX

Boy George said he would rather have a cup of tea. I'm only just beginning to see what he meant.
I listen more to the Smiths than Culture Club, but Old Boy George's one-liners are so much more pleasant than Old Morrissey's.
They used to have the Smiths on the radio quite a bit in the last few years of school, damn, that was 28 years ago!
That bit Morrissey said about eating meat being no different than pedophilia was pretty funny.
Yes, I think he was earnest though.

That is what makes it more funny.

Even his joke about his autobiography being a penguin classic was only partly ironic I feel...
That is what makes it funny.

If I was to hazard a guess I'd say vegetarian parents of victims of pedophilia don't agree with Morrissey.
It really depends on how horny I am. It can be daily but it could be more often.

Not as much as I want but that is what BOB is for.

It isn't always bigger.

I think about it lots - I really think artists/creative types think about SO many thousands of things in a day that sex is bound to be a frequent topic simply because of all the stimulus in the media about it. I do OK, but would be pleased to have more of it, but that's because I am part of the Homo sapiens sapiens species and we seem (generally) to have evolved to like it even when procreation isn't the point. HORNY MONKEYS, we are.