Seymour Hersh wins Al-Queda award!


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Liberal journalist Seymour Hersh, famed for his vitriol directed at President Bush and the war in Iraq, has won a commendation from the spokesman for Al Queda! Congratulations, Seymour. Good to know you are reaching your desired allies and they appreciate your efforts on their behalf of islamic terror.

Sy Hersh: Winner, 2006 Al-Qaeda Prize for Sympathetic Journalism
Posted by Mark Finkelstein on September 4, 2006 - 09:11.

Talk about your Dubious Distinction Awards. In his recently-released videotape, Adam Gadahn, né Pearlman, a nice boy from California turned Al-Qaeda spokesman, names Sy Hersh as a “sympathetic” personality, along with British MP George Galloway and Brit journalist Robert Fisk. As per the Counterrorism Blog, Gadahn "asks . . . Hersh to 'reveal more' than what was published in a New Yorker article on the war."

The New Yorker article in question was one of a series Hersh has written critical of the Bush adminstration's Iraq policy. In a speech last year Hersh claimed that the US government is being taken over by a neo-con "cult":

"We are being taken over basically by a cult; eight or nine neo-conservatives have somehow grabbed the government."

Pulitzer Prizes are nice, and Hersh has won his share. But when it comes to boosting its circulation in far-left reaches, it's going to be hard for the New Yorker to top: "Sy Hersh, Winner of the 2006 Al-Qaeda Prize for Sympathetic Journalism."

Seymour Hersh: "We've Been Taken Over by a Cult"
Grammour Boy, you should be kissing my feet in gratitude on the content I bring to politics.

For instance, by following the links provided on that blog, you can read Seymour Hersh's own words from a blog sympathetic to him! Not really hard for you to find some gems on your own.
I don't read blogs. They are not reliable sources. Any two-bit Joe with an agenda can put up a blog.

(And, Ogami, you should be kissing my feet in gratitude for the Barney The Dinosaur-related content I bring to Politics, Atrocities, and General Conspiracy Bullshit.)
Here's another source that's not from a blog. What are the odds of an apology from Grammour Boy? Zip!

American appears in al-Qaida videotape
By LEE KEATH, Associated Press Writer

Sat Sep 2, 7:22 PM ET

CAIRO, Egypt - An American thought to be an al-Qaida activist appeared in a videotape with the terror group's deputy leader Saturday and called on his countrymen to convert to Islam and for U.S. soldiers to switch sides in the Iraq and Afghan wars.

The 48-minute video, posted on an Islamic militant Web site, had footage of al-Qaida's No. 2 leader, Ayman al-Zawahri, and of Adam Yehiye Gadahn, a 28-year-old American who the FBI believes attended al-Qaida training camps in Pakistan and served as an al-Qaida translator.

It was the second time Gadahn appeared in the same video with al-Zawahri. In a July 7 video marking the one-year anniversary of the terror attack on London commuters, Gadahn appeared briefly, saying no Muslim should "shed tears" for Westerners killed by al-Qaida attacks.

But Saturday's video — and the length of Gadahn's speech — suggested al-Qaida has found in him someone who can directly address the American people in idiom they are familiar with.

Appearing days before the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks on the U.S., Gadahn spoke for nearly the entire video, wearing a white robe and a white turban, sitting in front of a desk with a computer and Islamic religious books in a room with a white wall.

The video included no direct threats of terror attacks.

Gadahn delivered a lecture on Islam and the "errors" in Christianity and Judaism. He also said the United States is losing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and told U.S. soldiers they are fighting President Bush's "crusades."

"Instead of killing yourself for Bush ... why not surrender to the truth (of Islam), escape from the unbelieving army and join the winning side. Time is running out so make the right choice before it's too late," he said.

Al-Zawahri gave only a brief introduction to the video, calling on Americans to convert to Islam.

"To the American people and the people of the West in general ... God sent his Prophet Muhammad with guidance and the religion of truth ... and sent him as a herald," he said.

The CIA said it had conducted a technical review on the videotape and concluded the voice is al-Zawahri's. A CIA spokeswoman said the agency is not authorized to conduct such analysis on U.S. citizens such as Gadahn.

White House spokeswoman Christie Parell said the message reflects al-Qaida's "continued attempts to subjugate the world under its twisted view of Islam, which labels as enemies and infidels those who do not have the same beliefs."

Little is known about Gadahn's role in al-Qaida. A Californian who converted to Islam, he disappeared soon after the Sept. 11 attacks. In 2004, the FBI announced it was seeking Gadahn in connection with possible terrorist threats against the U.S., but adding it did not have information linking him to any specific terror activities.

"You know that if you die as an unbeliever in battle against the Muslims you're going straight to Hell without passing 'Go,'" Gadahn said on the video, addressing American soldiers. "You know you're considered by Bush and his bunch of warmongers as nothing more than expendable cannon fodder ... You know they couldn't care less about your safety and well-being."

"We send a special invitation (to convert to Islam) to all of you fighting Bush's crusader pipedream in Afghanistan, Iraq and wherever else 'W' has sent you to die. You know the war can't be won," he said, using Bush's nickname.

Gadahn also urged other Americans to convert to Islam.

"It is time for the unbelievers to discard these incoherent and illogical beliefs," he said. "Isn't it the time for the Christians, Jews, Buddhists and atheists to cast off the cloak of the spiritual darkness which enshrouds them and emerge into the light of Islam?"

Gadahn and al-Zawahri appeared in separate parts of the video, which was released by al-Qaida's production wing, As-Sahab. Gadahn spoke with his face uncovered, resembling FBI photos, with his name and nom de guerre — "Azzam the American" — written in titles in Arabic and English next to him. Arabic subtitles translated his comments.

Besides the July 7 video, Gadahn is believed to be a masked figure who appeared in two previous videos not officially from al-Qaida, one given to ABC television in 2004 and another a few days before the fourth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

In the 2005 tape, the speaker — who had black cloth draped over his face, leaving only his eyes visible — threatened new terror attacks in Los Angeles and Melbourne, Australia. The 2004 tape praised the Sept. 11 attacks and said a new wave of attacks could come at any moment.

Much of Gadahn's latest speech was dedicated to urging Americans to convert to Islam, and he dotted it with fluently recited Arabic verses from the Quran and stories from Islamic history.

He denounced Christianity as a "hollow shell of a religion, whose followers cling to an empty faith and a false conviction in their own salvation."

"It is time for the unbelievers to discard these incoherent and illogical beliefs," he said. "We invite all Americans and other unbelievers to Islam, wherever they are."

The new video had been advertised on militant Web sites for several days. Al-Zawahri last appeared in a video July 27, calling for Muslims to unite in a holy war against Israel and to join the fighting in Lebanon and Gaza.

Nancy Pearlman, Gadahn's aunt, declined to comment about the tape when contacted by The Associated Press, saying she had not seen it. She declined to talk about anything else regarding Gadahn.


Associated Press writers Omar Sinan and Bassem Mroue contributed to this report.
It's thanks to people like Seymour Hersh that the Republicans keep winning elections.

I hope he speaks his mind for many years to come. There is no clearer choice for the American people with people like him.

Fair and balanced, eh? Hersh seems more unbalanced than anything. The loon screamed we were going to invade Iran any day now, and then had to backpedal on his wack prediction.

Recently, the New Yorker had a "conversation" with Hersh, here are some excerpts:

HERSH: Because the nineteen guys are dead. Despite all the arrests we’ve made—of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others—I’m very skeptical of the information we’ve got from interrogations, basically because, once people get into the interrogation process, even today, the torture is such that they invent stories to make us happy

Now that is simply nutty. He's going to be skeptical of anything obtained from Al Queda prisoners because we torture them. I notice this skepticism on the left is very one-sided. The left is always skeptical of anything a democratic government claims in the War on Terror, be it the U.S. or Britain. But people like Hersh are never skeptical of any claim by our enemies, no matter how far-fetched. Now that's a nutty attitude.

If the Administration wants a role model for how to respond to grave abuses in terms of international terrorism, look at the Indian government and Mumbai, the train bombing there. The government treated it like a criminal activity. By going to war, instead of criminalizing what Osama bin Laden and his minions did—there’s no question that, in terms of military operations, this is the worst government in the history of America.

Does Hersh forget that this is exactly how the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was handled? What a shithead! File some subpoenas, some lawsuits, and declare victory. That's what Clinton did, and Bush had to clean up his mess.

This is a perfect example of the difference between Democrats and Republicans. To the Democrats, the War on Terror would just be "getting" Bin Laden, slapping handcuffs on three or four people, and they'd declare victory. Meanwhile the Republicans noticed that Islamic fascism is a global terror movement. It didn't end with those 19 hijackers on 9/11, and they've been trying to kill greater numbers of Americans and westerners to this day. The fact that they've failed doesn't mean these people are not a threat, it means we're doing a good job of nailing them. What Hersh suggests is precisely what would lead to more 9/11s. So much for his intellect.

HERSH: The evidence is, we’ve gained much less than people think we have, or at least than the Administration tells us, in terms of actionable intelligence.

Because people like Hersh and his buddies at the New York Times keep leaking all of our actionable intelligence! That's what happens when nuts like Seymour Hersh view our government as the enemy instead of the people who are trying to kill us.

The whole world was on our side after 9/11—most of the Muslim world, too, was shocked by the crazy activity—and, essentially, we’ve lost the moral authority, the moral edge we had.

That's a complete lie, and Hersh knows it. The Muslim world may sympathize, that's one thing. But acting against Muslim governments and despots? Well that's something entirely else, of course their support wouldn't extend to that. And it wasn't just the Muslims who don't like America. Hersh conveniently has a memory lapse, but I remember all the protests Bush incurred in Europe before 9/11.

It is incredible naivity to think the world will simply love America if we leave despots alone. Other countries begged us to intercede in places they dare not go, like Bosnia, and then withdraw their support when we go to some place like Iraq, which certainly had a dictator worth removing. If "love" of such fair-weather friends is what Hersh desires, then he's an idiot.

I grew up thinking that in America we always wore the white hat. It’s no longer so.

This guy is "fair and balanced"? Who are you kidding? With every sentence he declares that we are the bad guys, we are the enemy. He might as well be one of those nut Democrat protesters waving the sign "Bush #1 World Terrorist"! There's no difference.

. Sy, you mentioned Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who is described as the mastermind behind 9/11. He’s actually in U.S. custody. Why hasn’t he been brought to trial?

HERSH: Because the Administration has chosen not to do so. I think that one of the reasons is that at trial he would talk about how he was treated. If somebody would come into a courtroom describing the kind of treatment he’s reportedly had at the hands of the United States, a conviction might be very hard to get. We simply decided very early on that it was acceptable for us to be goons, and we’ve been goons. It still goes on. It is beyond stupidity.

Let's say Hersh is travelling on a plane. Sheik Mohammed has info that the plane will be destroyed, but he won't talk. Do we let Hersh die? That might not be a bad idea.

HERSH: I actually think things are much worse, in that a lot of very capable people have got disgusted and discouraged and have left, and I think that the new system set up by the 9/11 Commission is going to be a disaster, too. So I’m skeptical.

How much genius does it take to be a Monday-morning quarterback? There's nothing brilliant or special about Hersh's skepticism. He just says "I could do it better", but the lie comes through when he fails to say how. How would you do it better, Hersh? Just put out an arrest warrant for Bin Laden and sit around twiddling your thumbs? That would be a War on Terror that would not offend the French or Muslim mullahs, that's true. But it would also be a War on Terror where the United States would rightly be perceived as being afraid. And that's the last message I'd want to send to fanatics who want to kill as many westerners as they can.

DAVIDSON: The White House would say we have to give up some expectations about, say, the privacy of telephone calls, to make sure that 9/11 doesn’t happen again.

HERSH: There are ways to deal with that within the confines of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and this Administration chose not to do that, for whatever reason—for security, or because it didn’t want people to know what was going on. They’ve demonstrated a contempt for the Constitution. We really have a constitutional crisis. We’ve got a crisis in terms of what’s going on in Iraq: as Jon Lee said, a civil war is going on there; we just don’t want to use those words.

That's just nonsense. Another of Hersh's mistakes is to assume that all of America thinks like him and agrees that Bush is a despot who is going to destroy America, the Constitution, the world, etc. Most Americans don't agree with Hersh on any of that. Polls show Americans are dissatisfied with Bush on the war on terror, but that includes those of us who want Bush to do MORE, not less. Hersh makes the mistake the DNC made the past few elections, assuming all Americans hate Bush as much as they do. It's not so, and such hubris has led to their defeat repeatedly.

HERSH: Oh, my God—nobody would argue that. Nobody would say that. You’ve just heard thirty minutes of conversation about how we are perceived. We haven’t done the right thing in terms of reconstruction; we haven’t done the right thing in Iraq. There’s no conceivable way we’re in better shape. Why there hasn’t been an attack in the United States—I don’t have an answer for that, but I don’t believe that’s going to be a political vehicle for George W. Bush. We’re not stronger, in any sense, because we’re not nearly as respected, and the invincibility shield is gone.

But Hersh has always insisted we would be respected more if we did LESS in the War on Terror, and I wonder respect from whom is he thinking of? The Mullahs? Hezbollah? Syria? Iran? Saddam Hussein? Hersh can spend the rest of his life yearning for those people to love us more. Bush lives in the real world, he doesn't want the world to love us, just respect us. That's a crucial difference, Hersh, one your partisanship makes you blind to seeing.
Ogami said:
It's thanks to people like Seymour Hersh that the Republicans keep winning elections.

I hope he speaks his mind for many years to come. There is no clearer choice for the American people with people like him.


Amen, along with Cindy Shehan, Ward Churchhill and howard Dean . they are the best friends the GOP ever had. Hell yes let them talk. ;)
LOL When have these people ever shut up? No one silenced them! What a lie that is from the Democrats who do nothing but lie:

"He betrayed this country!" Mr. Gore shouted into the microphone at a rally of Tennessee Democrats here in a stuffy hotel ballroom. "He played on our fears. He took America on an ill-conceived foreign adventure dangerous to our troops, an adventure preordained and planned before 9/11 ever took place."

and let's not forget this shrieking of liberal lunacy from the next president, Madame Hillary Clinton:
"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration!"
Seymour Hersh is the conscience of the U.S.

People like him are why we haven't descended into tyranny yet. We owe them a debt of gratitude. They are the watchdogs of liberty and freedom.
For a reality check I recommend this book by John Dean:

It's true, we have no conscience for exterminating Democrats from existence as a national party.

You have no chance to survive, make your time!
Absolutely. Liberals in concentration camps, the ovens running non-stop. This is the sort of deluded fantasy world the left lives in. It's why they never actually run against Bush, or any other Republican. They run against their foam-at-the-mouth fantasy caricatures. The voters look at the wacked-out claims of the left and say "What a bunch of loons, I'll put that Republican back into office."

The GOP is not invincible, they could be defeated if the Democrats ran some real serious candidates. Instead they run conspiracy nuts who shriek more than Howard Dean. (Or John Dean) That's why we keep winning.

It's ironic you refer to a book that's called "Conservatives without Conscience", as Bush today gave a speech referring to Al Queda as killers without conscience. That is the crucial difference between the two parties, Grammour Boy. One is fighting a war against terrorists who want us all dead, and the other, your buddies, think missile defense and Wal-Mart are their chief targets.

Not a hard choice.
