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Shit hits the fan @ my job


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
So, I get to work this morning and while I'm captioning "Springer" one of the supervisor's come in, and wants me to find him after my show.

Apparently two of the supervisors have been laid off, they are lowering our rates, and by July 2007, "incentive pay" or overtime, will completely abolished. Another supervisor is likely resigning, I just got an anonymous email from a captioner wanting to stage a protest.

Tisiphone said:
So, I get to work this morning and while I'm captioning "Springer" one of the supervisor's come in, and wants me to find him after my show.

Apparently two of the supervisors have been laid off, they are lowering our rates, and by July 2007, "incentive pay" or overtime, will completely abolished. Another supervisor is likely resigning, I just got an anonymous email from a captioner wanting to stage a protest.

Are you responsible for all the damn typos in CC?
LoL. Well, we're not all 100% captioning, so sure I've made some errors.

But also, there's engineering problems. I can't be on air though unless I'm 98.5% accuracy or higher.

BTW Mandi, I'm a closed captionist. :)
^^I've always wondered who does that. I'm glad to know it's you..Out there lovin' the deaf. You go Sister! :)

My dad watches television with closed captioning because he's nearly deaf and my mom yells at him when his TV (with surround sound) is as loud as a movie theatre. Now when I'm watching TV with him and I can hear the sound and see the closed captioning sometimes I just laaaaaaugh my ass off. I think, do they NOT have to take a typing test to get this job?! But my favorite is during commercials when it just says "Singing" and there are little musical notes.
Over the past several years, I have developed the ability to lip-read. Sometimes I put the tele on mute and turn on the caption to find out how accurate my lip-reading is. I'm not too bad. It used to be I couldn't do it worth a damn. I dated this chick once whose hidden talent was lip-reading and I kinda liked it. I never thought I would ever be able to do it myself. But what do you know? I am now a 70% accurate lip-reader. The scary thing is sometimes I "feel" what they are saying, that is to say, I can sense the "loudness" of the voices even while the tele is on mute....Very freaky, huh?
^Is that the only talent she had with her lips?


Anyways, we're all running around like chickens with our heads cut off. The current change doesn't really effect me, so as bitchy as it sounds, I could give a flying fuck. Until it directly hurts me, paycheck wise, then yes, I'll rock the boat. But in the end, with my limited experience in the work force, the higher ups always win out.

LG, I've always wondered about some of the stuff for commercials. If you've been deaf all your life, how the hell would you know what samba music sounds like? Or eerie music??

I'm hanging around work for a meeting with the real-time captioners only, so I'll know more then. Hence, why I'm playing online. Hey, I don't have any supervisors anymore, so what the hell do I care?? <wg>
Tisiphone said:
LG, I've always wondered about some of the stuff for commercials. If you've been deaf all your life, how the hell would you know what samba music sounds like? Or eerie music??

My city is home to one of the two California Schools for the Deaf in the state and my freshman year in high school our marching band was asked to play for them, how fucking stupid is that?
Tisiphone said:
LoL. Well, we're not all 100% captioning, so sure I've made some errors.

But also, there's engineering problems. I can't be on air though unless I'm 98.5% accuracy or higher.

BTW Mandi, I'm a closed captionist. :)

There is software for that now.
Tisiphone, you are in my thoughts, hope all is well.
I am a cc watcher myself. Its like reading at night-plus if I can't have the television on too loud, thats what I do. I like it. Hopefully when I get back we can catch up some time.
And as far as a band playing for deaf people-I know that they can enjoy it-it is much louder then say regular music from speakers-and they can feel the vibrations and its entertaining to watch.
I worked with a deaf guy who "listened" to music all the time. He wore the earphones on the back of his ears and turned it up very loud for more intense vibrations. Beethoven went deaf but it didn't keep him from being a major composer in his time - and his music is still awesome today.

I also watch TV with the cc on. Keeps me from having to rewind to catch what was mumbled or masked by some other sound. It seems more and more performers are speaking with marbles in their mouths these days.
I dated a chick in highschool who taught me how to lip read.

We got kicked out of a restaurant when the manager found us in a corner with my hand up her skirt. :(
Laker_Girl said:
My city is home to one of the two California Schools for the Deaf in the state and my freshman year in high school our marching band was asked to play for them, how fucking stupid is that?

Almost like fingerpainting classes for the blind, isn't it?

Yeah, the deaf can feel vibrations through the skull just like anyone else, but stick your fingers in your ears and listen to surrounding noises. That's about the quality.

Incidentally, it's a myth that blind people or deaf people develop their other senses to a finer degree... they simply just pay more attention.