I just don't like it at all now that Pandora on Bastard Factory just recently announced that she is in fact a he.Aquehonga:
What's wrong with Pandorahpquestion:There another 1 on TKhpquestion:Or 1 using a similar namehpquestion:
I'd start demeanding photographic proof of your gender, but that's been done.
I just don't like it at all now that Pandora on Bastard Factory just recently announced that she is in fact a he.
How the fucking hell will I be able to help? I can't change usernames. I'm a grunt, like you.
Why not change it to Lord Zarak?
I thought you were a mod or admin:shock:
Ahahahahaahahah OMG LOL!!!! Aahaahahahaaha like that will ever happen!