Should I drop the Nixon?

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
What better place than the Tea Room for a little navel-gazing introspection such as, "What should I change my name to?"

I detailed my current name's origin in some how-did-you-come-up-with-your-TK-name thread a while back, so I won't go into it here. I had an ill-advised attempt to change it to "Oecodus" reversed after less than a year, before the retiring of Shitty Dual (it only would have sowed confusion.) Either way, "Archibald Nixon" has always felt a bit cumbersome. I like the name Archibald much more that the surname, which adds a layer of association that I've felt --for some time now-- wasn't really necessary.

Penny for your thoughts (unless the price is too high.) :juggle:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I think you should call yourself Archie.

But that's just my opinion.


Retired Account
i think i regret shortening my name but ive been like this to long to care, keep it...


New Member
Archibald Nixon has requested his name be changed to Joey Joe-Joe Junior Shabadoo.


Retired Account
well thats a different story archie... u should change it to that.


Retired Account
i know the one i saw it earlier...


Retired Account
then so am i ur a red.


Retired Account
that may be the case penis shaped fucktard.


New Member


on a break from forums
I like the full name, but if you want to drop the "Nixon" go for it! Go with your gut feeling.

Dr Dave
