Should Mika be cloned?


I want to smell dark matter
Should six billion clones of Mika be created and everyone in the world given their own Mika which they are free to tortue, murder or do anything to in order to take out their frustrations at life? I think it would end all wars and crime and make the world a better place. And it would be fun to stab the cunt.


Can I have Ops?
But he brings joy to so many people!

If only he was gay then he might be more accepted in the artistic world!


I want to smell dark matter
Mika Prime would be alive somewhere in an underground bunker.


Can I have Ops?
I feel bad now his sister has been impaled on some railings.

At least we didnt do a "Mika died last night" thread

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Wow, his sister is in bad shape:
Mika's sister critically ill after fall leaves her impaled on railings
Popstar was reportedly at the scene of the accident
October 11, 2010

Mika's sister has been left critically ill after falling out of a fourth floor window and becoming impaled on a set of metal railings below.

Paloma Panniman, 28, was taken to the Royal London Hospital after falling from the window in Kensington, west London at around 5am (BST) yesterday (October 10).

The fall resulted in her impaling her legs on the metal railings below.

Mika is said to have been in the house when the accident happened, reports The Sun. His spokesperson has now asked for privacy on behalf of the family.

A Metropolitan Police spokesperson said that the incident is not being treated as suspicious.
Anyway, I thought he was bi.


Is this real life?
I thought he was annoying.


I want to smell dark matter
Well anyone we've ever said anything bad about in a joking way might one day find their sister impaled on some railings, so I don't think we should stop posting threads for that reason.