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Oh yeah right, I'm a silly drunk after one glass of wine (cant take me anywhere)... add drugs and I'd be sound asleep doing something unladylike.... drooling and snoring.

missmanners said:
Oh yeah right, I'm a silly drunk after one glass of wine (cant take me anywhere)... add drugs and I'd be sound asleep doing something unladylike.... drooling and snoring.

Testing testing...something's weird...

BD, I had to delete that last comment, it turned the whole bottom of the page into part of your comment.

Dunno you? ;)
I posted a karma with a wink ;) and it weirded out.

I think MM silly drunk would be a cute.
A fifth is not too bad but its more then I need too.

My ol lady does not like seeing me blasted that much.
Moonshine for me.. ain't no brew like your own brew I always say!

.. that along with whatever toxins I can find under the sink ;)