Signs of Friendship


I've noticed lately how men and women choose to show friendship for one another in different ways.

Women, when they have a very close platonic bond with another woman, will not hesitiate to say, "I love you." There is nothing romantic implied when used in that context. It's just a way of showing deep friendship and "fraternity." ;)

However, let a woman say that to a man in the same context, and the man will misconstrue it every single time. He'll either go running for the door, or read romantic intent when there is none.

And just forget about a man saying that to another man. Will never happen. Testosterone gets in the way. Men will be afraid of being seen as weak, or feminine.

Just an observation I wanted to share. It doesn't mean anything, really.
Friday said:
I've noticed lately how men and women choose to show friendship for one another in different ways.

Women, when they have a very close platonic bond with another woman, will not hesitiate to say, "I love you." There is nothing romantic implied when used in that context. It's just a way of showing deep friendship and "fraternity." ;)

However, let a woman say that to a man in the same context, and the man will misconstrue it every single time. He'll either go running for the door, or read romantic intent when there is none.

And just forget about a man saying that to another man. Will never happen. Testosterone gets in the way. Men will be afraid of being seen as weak, or feminine.

Just an observation I wanted to share. It doesn't mean anything, really.

The closest male analogue to "I love you" in that context is, "I respect you."
Friday said:
I've noticed lately how men and women choose to show friendship for one another in different ways.

Women, when they have a very close platonic bond with another woman, will not hesitiate to say, "I love you." There is nothing romantic implied when used in that context. It's just a way of showing deep friendship and "fraternity." ;)

However, let a woman say that to a man in the same context, and the man will misconstrue it every single time. He'll either go running for the door, or read romantic intent when there is none.

And just forget about a man saying that to another man. Will never happen. Testosterone gets in the way. Men will be afraid of being seen as weak, or feminine.

Just an observation I wanted to share. It doesn't mean anything, really.

I have a few female friends that I say that to, and they say it back to me,
Yes, it's very easy to read romanticism into it.
One of them, the most recent, is a young hippie chick. She says it to everyone and she means it. With her, it's more of a "I accept you and like you"
With the other women, it's a "I've known you for a while, you've helped me through the times, we've seem eachother's good and bad parts, and i still want you as my friend."

It might help you to know that My Testosterone level seems to be less than most men. Despite my hairy chest.
I've only ever loved three females. Each one I could have happily married... minus the sex, of course. I enjoyed being close to them, it was very much like it is with my boyfriend, except I wasn't sexually attracted to the females.
Friday said:
I've noticed lately how men and women choose to show friendship for one another in different ways.

Women, when they have a very close platonic bond with another woman, will not hesitiate to say, "I love you." There is nothing romantic implied when used in that context. It's just a way of showing deep friendship and "fraternity." ;)

However, let a woman say that to a man in the same context, and the man will misconstrue it every single time. He'll either go running for the door, or read romantic intent when there is none.

And just forget about a man saying that to another man. Will never happen. Testosterone gets in the way. Men will be afraid of being seen as weak, or feminine.

Just an observation I wanted to share. It doesn't mean anything, really.

Well, I was taught to believe that you only say "I love you" to three women in your life: Your Mother, your wife, and the strange woman who shows up at your funeral. ;)
Gonad said:
I've only ever loved three females. Each one I could have happily married... minus the sex, of course. I enjoyed being close to them, it was very much like it is with my boyfriend, except I wasn't sexually attracted to the females.
Strange. There are women in my life whom I love deeply, but aren't sexually attracted to, either. It's not that they aren't attractive, it's just that dynamic doesn't come into play.
Big Dick McGee said:
Well, I was taught to believe that you only say "I love you" to three women in your life...and the strange woman who shows up at your funeral. ;)

Awwwww, I love you too!