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Sit com characters never laugh


I want to smell dark matter
You might think it would be great to live in a sitcom
because of all the hilarious things people say all the time
but if you watch you'll notice the other characters never laugh
all the witty comments just roll off them and they say their next line
so if you live in a sitcom you wouldn't find hilarious comments funny anymore
and really it would be Hell
so there's a warning for you
Sometimes they do on friends, but that is usually so Joey can get it about five minutes after everyone else.
They do laugh at their own jokes sometimes, but usually to indicate "this joke wasn't actually funny."

Frasier really did talk about wanting to beat women a lot.
It's interesting that over time, I have found Frasier Crane to be an unfunny, inhuman monster, and his spinoff show unwatchable.
The Fraiser show was always more about the people around Frasier anyway, kind of like how technically Sisko was supposed to be the central character on DS9, but it was everyone else that made the show watchable.
Yes, his personal low point was when he was taken over by someone else, and decided the best way to talk would be really slowly and without any emotion.
I remember really struggling to get through that episode. It wasn't really until The Search that I properly got into DS9. Til then it seemed really grey and boring.
I loved Bajoran religion episodes. Kira was a great role model that the faithful should watch: She knew what she believed, but she also knew that she lived in a big world where not everyone believed what she did, and she knew when to keep her shit to herself and do what was asked. (Unless the writers deliberately put her in a juicy situation where her conflict made for some good scenes)

Bajorans weren't imperialists looking to convert the heathen natives. They went to extremes to defend themselves, but they really were just defending themselves, not trying to annex and conquer and transform other lands.

Kira kicked ass with the best of them, even while pregnant. And her hair looked really good in season 6.
I loved Bajoran religion episodes. Kira was a great role model that the faithful should watch: She knew what she believed, but she also knew that she lived in a big world where not everyone believed what she did, and she knew when to keep her shit to herself and do what was asked. (Unless the writers deliberately put her in a juicy situation where her conflict made for some good scenes)

Bajorans weren't imperialists looking to convert the heathen natives. They went to extremes to defend themselves, but they really were just defending themselves, not trying to annex and conquer and transform other lands.

Kira kicked ass with the best of them, even while pregnant. And her hair looked really good in season 6.

They were still boring and they clap in a stupid way.
Yeah the clap was cheap, something that they decided to make different for the sake of being different without much logic behind it.

But DS9 was probably the best of all the TNG shows for using logic on which to base their weird alien looks and behavior.

Except for that Ferengi dance Nog taught Dax at her bachelor party. Yeesh.