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Forever Empress E
First, I'm not a James Bond fan. Don't think I've seen any of the others all the way through. So, don't know what possessed me to go to this one on opening day.

Glad I did though. Loved the opening song by Adele.

While I felt that the theme - M is old, Bond is old, spy game is old, MI6 is old, Skyfall is old, the caretaker at Skyfall is old, killing with a knife is old, etc. - and the message that "sometimes the old way is the best way" was more than a bit contrived and obvious, overall the movie was exciting and interesting. For a change the movie wasn't about how many things could the bad guy blow up. Yes, he did blow up some stuff, but it was just about the right amount.

I'll look in to the other Daniel Craig as Bond movies and see how they go.
Naomie Harris, the woman that played the witch that turned into the maelstrom in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, cleaned up and played the Bond girl in this movie. Her character name is Miss Moneypenny - apparently a long standing character. I liked her in this movie too.
let me know when you've seen the other Daniel Craig ones...I'll be interested what someone not normally a fan of the franchise thinks.
Daniel Craig is the worst bond other than timothy dalton and george lazenby hes crap.

LOL - I thought he was kind of sexy - almost. He's a little on the short side but he is agile and quick. I liked what he said to the bad guy who was intimating he was about to be sexually assaulted.
Daniel Craig is the worst bond other than timothy dalton and george lazenby hes crap.


the first Dalton film was pretty good - Living Daylights. But I agree Craig just doesn't feel 'right' somehow, although the films are a big improvement from the Brosnan ones
Craig doesn't feel right because he was a departure from the strong, dark and handsome stereo type that Hollywood pushed the Bond character into. In manyt respects, Craig embodies the exact image of the character that Flemming wrote about in his novels.
Thats better...
