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Smugglers toss hundreds of refugees to sharks


Vuhlkansu Wihs

GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) -- The number of people confirmed dead after smugglers forced hundreds of refugees overboard off the coast of Yemen has risen to 29, the U.N. refugee agency said Monday.

Seventy-one people are missing.

Knife-wielding smugglers forced 450 Somalis and Ethiopians overboard into stormy seas along a remote stretch of Yemen coastline at Ras-Alkalb in the Gulf of Aden last Thursday, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said in a statement.

The smugglers forced their passengers overboard so they could make a speedy departure after being spotted by Yemeni security forces, UNHCR spokeswoman Astrid van Genderen Stort said.

It was the latest case of smuggler brutality involving boats carrying people across the Gulf of Aden from Somalia. It brings the total number of dead and missing among people trying to reach Yemen so far this year to 262.

Bush should hire these guys to start tossing the bean pickers, camel jockeys and porch monkeys in the US into the Gulf of Mexico.

We could control overpopulation, welfare programs, cut the crime rate AND feed the starving fishes at the same time. :bigass:
The Saint said:

:bwahaha: I fuckin' LOVE it!

I am thinking of the sharks! I didn't include the homos and lawyers for a reason, you know?

You think I want to be charged with advocating cruelity to animals? :P
I laughed so hard when I heard this story, glad you reminded me of it Sarek.

Here is a video of some of the footage for you