Snooty Mac Users

The Question

Don't you hate these guys? They're so smug.

How they turn up their noses at error messages that provide no useful information.
How they think they're too good to spend more time troubleshooting a buggy operating system than actually using it.
How they think they're somehow above spending a measley hour or two out of their day applying fixes and restarting.
How they pooh-pooh the notion of software that pegs their computers' processors to 100% for no reason whatsoever.

The arrogance of these guys!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Don't you hate these guys? They're so smug.

How they turn up their noses at error messages that provide no useful information.
How they think they're too good to spend more time troubleshooting a buggy operating system than actually using it.
How they think they're somehow above spending a measley hour or two out of their day applying fixes and restarting.
How they pooh-pooh the notion of software that pegs their computers' processors to 100% for no reason whatsoever.

The arrogance of these guys!

It's kind of like being gay. There's a lot of cartwheels we don't have to turn just to get our knobs serviced.

The Question

I notice that his issue with iTunes was encountered...

on a Windows box.

No doubt he failed to make the connection of Windows cocking up just about everything you install on it.


yeah, he does make a point though. mac users, being the underdogs that they are, feel the need to preach about their preferred platform.

although, they can be right about some select things when they say, "well, this wouldn't have happened if you were on a mac..."

The Question

yeah, he does make a point though. mac users, being the underdogs that they are, feel the need to preach about their preferred platform.

although, they can be right about some select things when they say, "well, this wouldn't have happened if you were on a mac..."

The things, for example, in the opening post. You have to admit, errors dialogues like, "An unspecified error has occurred" get pretty fucking tiresome, pretty fucking fast. Redmond should replace that text with, "Windows fucked up. We're not going into any more detail than that, but if you really want to know what the problem is, it's that you chose the wrong fucking OS."


Let's fuck some shit up
[ame=""]YouTube - South Park Mac vs. PC vs. Linux[/ame]


beer, I want beer
Hmm, deletion of my posts has already begun. Someone feeling the pain of pwnage.

Now then, what I had said was that those wonderful Mac users like to look down upon those who would pay almost half the price of essentially the same shit, with the only difference being the OS itself.



beer, I want beer
Let me guess... there are quite a few of you using MACs, yes? Well, don't let me bother you with my excess cash, after having spent HALF what you did for THE SAME SYSTEM. Shit, even the chips are the same. MACs are seriously overpriced, and everyone knows it. How can they charge so much for components manufactured by people who earn less than a dollar a day?

The Question

Nobody invited you to come in here and filthy up the joint with your dehhhhh. Beat it.