So Cameron is PM now?


Boobie inspector
On the plus side, the House of Hanover is back in power
This is way more funny for me than it is for anyone else here. I swear. And no, I won't explain.
Oh, as for the rest of the thread... dammit I don't understand one word of it, but I do suspect it must have something to do with the terminatrix.
For a little while I didn't quite catch the Cameron/Cameron connection and I was left with some pretty serious questions about whisky's mental and sexual wellbeing.
What does somebody from Last of the summer wine have to do with anything...

This thread makes little sense.
Peter Sallis played Norman Clegg in last of the Summer Wine

Dr Emmet Brown in BTTF

Also I kind of liked the characterisations as well.
Clegg is a sell-out and by going in to this Coalition he had thrown away the support of his own party and many of those who voted Liberal Democrat. He's the Deputy Prime Minister for fucks sake and his party got 50 fucking seats. :phpeh2:

People will not vote Liberal Democrat again as a protest vote. It just won't happen. That leaves the door open for a strong Labour Government to rebuild, probably under D. Miliband, and to fight for a landslide majority when people cotton on that the country is being run by the same old Tories. The same old Tories that DESPISE David Cameron and are hell bent on forcing him to reignite the far right policies that they all hold so dear and if he doesn't they are going to plot and plot until he crashes and burns. And all the while The Libs and the Cons will fight and fight and agree on disagreeing and we will all get what we expect. A whole lot of shit.

I actually quite like David Cameron. OK not much but a bit. I think he may genuinely be a progressive kind of guy that does want to move the Conservatives in a new direction. Of course as SOON as I start to warm to a Tory their days are numbered in their own party. It's just the way it goes. So that's a good sign.

Clegg is nothing but a colossal prick though. OK, I like that he forced through tax breaks for those on less than 10k a year but that was probably to appease the majority of the party who are not happy at all with being in bed with the Tories. He has sold his party for 30 pieces of silver and no amount of Electoral Reform is going to help them when people simply don't vote for them again and go back to Labour. Trading in short term glory for the death of your party. Excellent.

Gordon Brown is Jacob. Stabbed and discarded by the Murdoch Media Empire.
The positive idea is that the Lib Dems will form some kind of safety valve on the more rabid Tory policies.

The cynical view is that they are both power hungry evil toffs.
A small detail that's escaped the attention of many is that both these parties have agreed that their government can't fall on a vote of confidence unless 55% of MPs vote against them.

For hundreds of years, votes in the Commons have been based on simple majorities - you get one more than the other lot and you win.

It's no longer the case - a little tweak of the system aimed at securing the current regime in its place.

-Source: BBC
We're stuck with them until 2015. :arolleyes:
But if Cameron decides to kill all the old people, Clegg can says "ACTUALLY, NO, DON'T KILL ALL THE OLD PEOPLE." So that's something.

I liked Brown's farewell speech. He could definitely win Celebrity BB.