So Lance Armstrong


Is this real life?
Can't trust any famous people these days!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
No roid rage -- maybe too much horsemeat?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Maybe drugs and alcohol affect him more because they don't have to travel all the way down to the toes and back?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts


Is this real life?
I made the legless joke a couple of seconds after reading about it. Quickly followed by Bullet for my Valentine joke.

It's pretty shit, though. What a way to throw away your life. Hot girlfriend, loads of money, Olympic and Paralympic medals, and idol in your country... oh ok, you don't have lower legs, but you're in the kind of privileged position where you'll probably get robot legs for free. And then you go throw it all away.


I want to smell dark matter
John Cleese tweeted a "he was legless" joke after it happened. Which is kind of funny but then you have to think WHAT DOES IT SAY ABOUT US that a young woman is brutally murdered and all we care about is being the first to joke about it on Twitter?


Is this real life?
He'll probably claim he was hacked. Hackers always say very mildly embarrassing things which are virtually indistinguishable from things the real person might have said.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah like 90% of Kurt Angle's tweets are made by hackers. It's weird.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
I haxored your mom's ass last night!

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
John Cleese tweeted a "he was legless" joke after it happened. Which is kind of funny but then you have to think WHAT DOES IT SAY ABOUT US that a young woman is brutally murdered and all we care about is being the first to joke about it on Twitter?
I take heart in knowing that, when it comes to trial, his legal defense won't have a leg to stand on.


I want to smell dark matter
Cleese claims that he sarcastically said "we should tweet that" and one of his "people" tweeted it mistakenly.

The real scandal is that when we think we're talking to famous peole on twitter we're probably speaking to their unpaid Twitter intern.


Is this real life?
Cleese claims that he sarcastically said "we should tweet that" and one of his "people" tweeted it mistakenly.

The real scandal is that when we think we're talking to famous peole on twitter we're probably speaking to their unpaid Twitter intern.

But not Ryan Cartwright, right? :(


I want to smell dark matter
I don't think he's big enough to have "people".