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So Many Things


I love you
The Brown Rice

I was browsing the sushi in the display case, wondering if that really tasty roll was actually made with brown rice. I asked the gentleman behind the counter who happened to be brown. He told me that roll was definitely white, he could tell. I looked and also confirmed that, "Yes it was definitely white"

I was lying
I thought there were things, and there are, some of them I forgot, some of them I just change my mind, others, well they did not exist at all. I mean srsly do you really want to hear about my dry skin? The snow? Work? School? My hunger? No. So I won't post about it then.

I did just have something to post about, and then I really did forget it. FUcking A.

Oh yeah
I guess I was going to post about how I thought I was missing out today on the great SOPA and PIPA happenings.
I have been missing out on all sorts of news and updates.
It snowed in my state today and usually I watch the news to see pictures of all the snow everywhere, and I missed that today. FUck. I feel like if I don't see pictures of it, it didn't really snow. I WANT TO SEE IT! DID I REALLY COME? I DON"T KNOW! BUT I THINK I DID! SEEING IS BELIEVING!
I rode the bus and then the train (link rail) into downtown and saw a show at Julias.
Drag Queen Lip Syncing show.

It was the coldest fucking day in a long time and I was grumbling that I was riding the bus a little, I didn't think that many people would be riding the bus, or the link rail, or walking.

So then I got taught a lesson. People don't just sit inside their house in front of their fire place like I wish I was doing.

Shut Up Mirah!

What do you think this is? The badlands? I fucking miss you guys. FUck! fuck this, fuck me.

My Fingers

They fucking hurt. tHey are so dry and cracked, its not even funny. Happened within over just 2 days or 1 day even, they were just suddenly fucked up and my nails are even worse! What did I do to deserve this!?!?!?!??!?!

The Tongue
So then my tongue hurts too, and this other thing and I'm like freaked out about it, so I go to the pharmasist and ask about it and the guy looks at me funny and says, "I'll get the pharmasist" and he does, and she does, and then she hands me some papers explaining what it is and its nothing and its not contagious, just an annoyance-like when you bite the inside of your cheek, but it doesn't go away and then your body decides its going to go all funky maybe because of your hormones, or the junk food you have been eating or the sudden change in weather and stupid food allergies and things you know you shouldn't be eating.