I love you
The Brown Rice
I was browsing the sushi in the display case, wondering if that really tasty roll was actually made with brown rice. I asked the gentleman behind the counter who happened to be brown. He told me that roll was definitely white, he could tell. I looked and also confirmed that, "Yes it was definitely white"
I was lying
I thought there were things, and there are, some of them I forgot, some of them I just change my mind, others, well they did not exist at all. I mean srsly do you really want to hear about my dry skin? The snow? Work? School? My hunger? No. So I won't post about it then.
I did just have something to post about, and then I really did forget it. FUcking A.
Oh yeah
I guess I was going to post about how I thought I was missing out today on the great SOPA and PIPA happenings.
I have been missing out on all sorts of news and updates.
It snowed in my state today and usually I watch the news to see pictures of all the snow everywhere, and I missed that today. FUck. I feel like if I don't see pictures of it, it didn't really snow. I WANT TO SEE IT! DID I REALLY COME? I DON"T KNOW! BUT I THINK I DID! SEEING IS BELIEVING!
I was browsing the sushi in the display case, wondering if that really tasty roll was actually made with brown rice. I asked the gentleman behind the counter who happened to be brown. He told me that roll was definitely white, he could tell. I looked and also confirmed that, "Yes it was definitely white"
I was lying
I thought there were things, and there are, some of them I forgot, some of them I just change my mind, others, well they did not exist at all. I mean srsly do you really want to hear about my dry skin? The snow? Work? School? My hunger? No. So I won't post about it then.
I did just have something to post about, and then I really did forget it. FUcking A.
Oh yeah
I guess I was going to post about how I thought I was missing out today on the great SOPA and PIPA happenings.
I have been missing out on all sorts of news and updates.
It snowed in my state today and usually I watch the news to see pictures of all the snow everywhere, and I missed that today. FUck. I feel like if I don't see pictures of it, it didn't really snow. I WANT TO SEE IT! DID I REALLY COME? I DON"T KNOW! BUT I THINK I DID! SEEING IS BELIEVING!