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So proud.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
This morning my nephew was honored with a Principal's Award for outstanding achievment in academics and behavior and he also made the first trimester Honor Roll. Being the person that sits down with my Bub every night and does his homework with him, I'm pretty proud of myself as well.

My niece is up for awards for this afternoon, I'll keep you posted.
Yay! Congrats to them both...and you! :D

Savor these moments. They'll serve to remind you what the blood, sweat, and tears are all about.

Your niece and nephew are very blessed to have you in their lives. I admire what you're doing for them, even when the responsibility seems overwhelming. Hang in there. :)
Thank you all so much!

So my niece got the Principal's Award as well. When I picked her today her teacher told me that the Honor Roll starts at second grade and if she could have gotten one she would have.

I was really proud because there are these kids, a brother and a sister, the sister is in my niece's class and the brother is in my nephew's class. My niece and nephew are friends with these kids at school but everytime I ask their mother if the kids can come over and play she snubs me. I think she thinks her kids are better than mine, yeah, she's wrong...Bitch.
awesome, L_G. :D

Give your niece and nephew my congrats - and give yerself a BIG pat on the back, too!
You're doing a great job.
Have you taken over the actual role of Mother in their lives now? I remember you saying something about your sister or brother (can't remember which one) being no good. So are you the one who is going to be doing the raising of these delightful little tykes?

Oh, and congrats.
^I am the mother figure and I help my parents out a lot but they have a mother and hopefully she'll be heavily medicated and in a psychologist's care for the rest of her life so that the kids can have some sort of normal relationship with the mental case. My niece and nephew are going to see their mom on Saturday, it will be the first time they've seen her since she abandoned them three and a half months ago. They've also talked to their mom on the phone for the last couple of days, it seems to have made my nephew better but my niece seems almost depressed. I think my niece is worried that she's going to have to live with her mommy again and that life was not so easy. With us she gets loads of attention and doesn't have to fight with my nephew for it and she can just be a little kid, as God intended. She'll figure out that she's not going anywhere, she's staying right here with Gran B, Papa, and Auntie Laura.

My brother is in fact a sack of shit and soon he too will leave his children to persue his own interests, marrying some old ass whore in Alabama. You'll notice I didn't include "daddy" when talking about who my niece will continue to live with. ;) That's all fine with my parents, they are fully prepared to care for the children themselves with my help.