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So You Want to Make JillianBacardi a Criminal????


New member
That was the stupidest stunt you boys ever pulled.

Take the money, take the credit, MAKE me a criminal, try to cover it all up.

You should have made it right when you had the chance and I gave you chance after chance. This is what I heard from several of you............"Just walk away......"

You pieces of you honestly think I would walk away and let you get away with this????
FederalAgent007 said:
That was the stupidest stunt you boys ever pulled.

Take the money, take the credit, MAKE me a criminal, try to cover it all up.

You should have made it right when you had the chance and I gave you chance after chance. This is what I heard from several of you............"Just walk away......"

You pieces of you honestly think I would walk away and let you get away with this????

I am sorry to inform you honey that we are both now criminals. I did meet you at the corner of Isabella and Yonge Streets do you not remember? I pulled over to the curb and asked you how much for a suck and how much for a fuck. I recall being most surprised when you were telling me 'twonie this' and 'twonie that'. You were cheap. Alas! We were caught! Do you not remember the Toronto Police officer shining his flashlight into my car where you were down upon the floor sucking the life right out of my cock? So we were both arrested. Now that truly ruined my day. I received all pertinent 'john' charges whilst you were put away for prostitution. Do you remember the desk Sargeant almost deciding to let you go because you were not exactly a 'looker'? I do recall him glancing at me with complete and utter puzzlement. I simply made drinking motions with my hand. Stupid me. Upon realising I was telling him I allowed one as ugly as you to suck my cock only because I was too drunk to tell the difference, he added the charge of drinking and driving. What a total fucking retard I was that night but then again, I would prefer to receive an extra charge than have anyone believe I was actually NORMAL when I allowed you to suck my cock dry.

*sigh* Those were the days!
SaintLucifer said:
I am sorry to inform you honey that we are both now criminals. I did meet you at the corner of Isabella and Yonge Streets do you not remember? I pulled over to the curb and asked you how much for a suck and how much for a fuck. I recall being most surprised when you were telling me 'twonie this' and 'twonie that'. You were cheap. Alas! We were caught! Do you not remember the Toronto Police officer shining his flashlight into my car where you were down upon the floor sucking the life right out of my cock? So we were both arrested. Now that truly ruined my day. I received all pertinent 'john' charges whilst you were put away for prostitution. Do you remember the desk Sargeant almost deciding to let you go because you were not exactly a 'looker'? I do recall him glancing at me with complete and utter puzzlement. I simply made drinking motions with my hand. Stupid me. Upon realising I was telling him I allowed one as ugly as you to suck my cock only because I was too drunk to tell the difference, he added the charge of drinking and driving. What a total fucking retard I was that night but then again, I would prefer to receive an extra charge than have anyone believe I was actually NORMAL when I allowed you to suck my cock dry.

*sigh* Those were the days!
Shut up.
SaintLucifer said:
I am sorry to inform you honey that we are both now criminals.

speak for yourself..........if I am going to get a criminal record, then I need to start doing criminal things. Is that what it has come to? what our government is making us?? that is a dangerous road to go down.

SaintLucifer said:
] I did meet you at the corner of Isabella and Yonge Streets do you not remember? I pulled over to the curb and asked you how much for a suck and how much for a fuck. I recall being most surprised when you were telling me 'twonie this' and 'twonie that'. You were cheap.


SaintLucifer said:
] Alas! We were caught! Do you not remember the Toronto Police officer shining his flashlight into my car where you were down upon the floor sucking the life right out of my cock?

oOOOHHH YEAH!! you have a suckable cock too!! I can imagine it right now!

SaintLucifer said:
] So we were both arrested. Now that truly ruined my day. I received all pertinent 'john' charges whilst you were put away for prostitution.


SaintLucifer said:
] Do you remember the desk Sargeant almost deciding to let you go because you were not exactly a 'looker'? I do recall him glancing at me with complete and utter puzzlement. I simply made drinking motions with my hand. Stupid me. Upon realising I was telling him I allowed one as ugly as you to suck my cock only because I was too drunk to tell the difference, he added the charge of drinking and driving. What a total fucking retard I was that night but then again, I would prefer to receive an extra charge than have anyone believe I was actually NORMAL when I allowed you to suck my cock dry.

*sigh* Those were the days!

You are such a fucking mutt. Why don't you go back to counterfieting and illegal weapons, you were better at it.