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Some family photos....


New member
I've been shipped over to my relatives' wildlife sanctuary for the festive period. Thought I'd share some of my latest pics....

my nephews and neice:


My mother-in-law taking a bath:


Me stuffing my face!:

Ah, now i'm getting them.

Cute, and nice photo's too. who's the photographer, yourself? If so, nice job!
No, I don't have the opposable thumbs to use a camera, so the zookeeper took them. not a very flattering one of me at the bottom!:lol:

Bad TQ!!!!

It's a Panda, Duh!
Thou Shalt Not Use Lemon Merinade on a Panda!

They are from China.
Mandrine orange with lemon grass and bamboo shoots
Wok till tender with some sesame oil. and a splash of soy sause and Mirin.

Geez, you Neandretal!
Get Civilzed!