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"Something Naughty" for Shatna, by Just1Hope


New member
This story is many things, but it is NOT for the timid or easily offended.

Something Naughty
By ME!​

The place was dank, dark, and somewhere there was an incessant dripping. Occasionally, the flickering light of a single candle would show the bushy haired brunette some of the implements of her impending torture.

Of course, part of what impeded the young girls view was the fact that she was chained facing the wall. Therefore, she could only turn her head so far from side to side.

It always started out this way. She'd enter the room and as she did so her clothes would vanish, and then she'd find herself spread eagle and chained against the wall. Then nothing but silence for seconds, minutes, and at least one time an hour.

Now was not the time for considering the events which lead her to this point, but the girl couldn't help herself. Her tormentor had learned something she shouldn't have and this was the price of her tormentor's silence. Sometimes it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be, other times it was terrible. Since she had accidentally bumped, or rather crashed into, her tormentor on her way to class, she knew tonight would be terrible.

The crack of a whip jerked her back into the present, and caused her to flinch. She'd felt the bite of the whip her first two times down here, and she would do almost anything to keep from feeling it again.

Thankfully the whip did not make contact with her body.

She heard some words being softly uttered, words that she knew she wasn't meant to understand, and suddenly she found herself released from the chains and floating in mid-air.

It took her several moments to realize that she wasn't actually floating, she was being held up by some contraption which wrapped around her and connected to the ceiling. She could feel the straps biting into her legs where they were wrapped around pulling them apart. There seemed to be a thicker strap around her middle back, which was almost comfortable. Her hands were bound over her head by one strap wrapped around both wrists.

Now she could see her tormentor, not in great detail, and it wasn't as though she needed to see her. She already knew the girl was several sizes larger than she, with a heavy jaw and fine black hair. But just seeing her in shadow was bad enough. It was always better when she couldn't see the other girl.

When the light flickered a bit, she could make out the sadistic smile on the other girls face and felt a shiver run over her entire body.

Without comment, her tormentor leaned over and and began to lightly suck on her right breast. It was always this way, the other girl would start off slow and gentle, at least after those first two times. Then just as she would begin to relax, her tormentor would take things up a notch. Always by the end of the night she was humiliated beyond belief.

Thankfully, the gentle sucking was something she was almost used to, and it would take more than that to make her embarrass herself.

Sadly, her tormentor was as aware of this as she was, because the sucking quickly turned into nibbling, while another hand started squeezing and pinching her left breast and nipple. While it was an attention grabbed, it still wasn't enough.

However, a sound off to her side let her know that someone was being deeply affected by the sight. Then she began to panic. They weren't alone. Always before they'd been alone. She felt her eyes water. Tonight was going to be very bad. At least, for the moment, she could be grateful that she could not actually see the other person.

Her tormentor seemed to notice her distraction, because the teeth slammed down on her sensitive nipple and caused her to scream. Shamefully, she felt her stomach tighten as her body reacted favorably to the pain.

Her tormentors head lifted slightly, and she could see the sneer. Then the hand playing with her left breast was gone. Seconds later, she felt the hand brush against her inner thighs and then she felt herself being pinched, and couldn't stop the moan from moving past her lips.

The hand stopped pinching and for several moments simply rubbed against her, then a finger wiggled its way inside.

"Such a good little whore," her tormentor uttered the first words of the evening. She loathed it when the other girl spoke. When she spoke, it always made her feel shameful and dirty.

"Your attention is for me, and me alone. My friend will introduce himself later. You may even enjoy him more than me."

She very seriously doubted that.

Her face was suddenly caught in a steel grip, and she couldn't help but admire the other girls strength. Though all of this the finger never stopped moving in and out, and was now joined by a second. She felt herself start to squirm. Begging herself to keep still and not react, she found her body simply refused to obey.

When the figure curved sharply, she screamed again. She was certain her walls had been torn. Her tormentor smiled, and as with almost all her smiles this one held that sadistic edge.

"Come here," she turned toward the direction where the sounds from earlier had originated.

The figure moved closer, and she could tell he was indeed male. She couldn't tell who he was, because his head was almost completely covered by what appeared to be a leather hood. However, had the person been dressed, she wouldn't have been sure whether it was male or female with his head covered as it was.

"Taste her," her tormentor ordered. "Make her scream, make her come!"

There was a nod, then the masked head vanished from view. Seconds later, she felt a very wet tongue move across her soaking vagina. The tongue would tease, and then there would be a nip on her lips. Each nip was harder than the last.

Her body bucked and jerked trying to get closer to the source of pleasure. Sounds were escaping her lips, and she found that she almost didn't care. Given the circumstances, a rather odd thought worked its way into her brain. She was certain whoever was between her legs would roll their r's when speaking.

Her tormentor was smiling, an almost pleasant smile now. Seeing that smile caused the young girl to realize that she was making lots of horny noises and how with each lick and nip the sounds grew louder.

Her belly was on fire now and soon she would crash over the edge. She knew now was the time she would be forced to ask or beg for something that she didn't want, but as always at this point she wanted release. Of course, she rarely got it, because whatever would come next would almost certainly be unpleasant.

She felt a tear slide down the side of her face.

Sure enough, her tormentor ordered the male between her legs to stop. He complied, and his masked head came back into view.

The sound of disappointment was something she desperately tried to stop, but it was a useless effort because the sound was out before she could truly stop herself.

She took a deep breath and tried to brace herself for whatever would come next. Sometimes it wasn't so bad, other times had she not already been wet, what came next would have torn her apart.

If she refused to ask or beg, she bled. That was one of the fastest lessons she'd learned, and it was why the night always began with the harmless cracking of the whip.

"Please," she finally managed to squeeze past her lips. Hopefully, the weak sound would convince them that she was so gone with lust that it was hard to speak, and not that it was because she just wanted things over and done with.

She tried to carefully watch their faces, but her vision was very blurry now. She did not want to go through another day trying to act normally while struggling to hide extreme pain from her friends.

"Allow me release."

She could see the frown, though she could barely make it out.

"That is not how you've been trained to ask," and her heart almost failed when the whip came into view.

No, she screamed silently. Anything, but that!

"Please. Don't," she tried to scream, but the sound was more of a whimper. "I'm sorry."

"I know," her tormentor sounded almost gentle, and that scared her more than anything else.

The overly large whip handle was suddenly in her face, and she whimpered.

"Tell me what you want," her tormentor said.

Now she understood, she was to beg to be fucked by the thing. As much as she hated that, she would rather be fucked by it than whipped by it.

Some of the panic from the very thought of being whipped must have shown on her face, because both male and female laughter rang out.

"In me," she finally managed. "Please," she hated using the demanded words, and her tormentor knew it, which was why it was required.

"Fuck me," she whispered.

"Good girl," her tormentor replied, and gently ran her hands over the young girls upper body, causing her to shiver.

Then without further ado, the whip was plunged roughly inside her. She screamed, and as the whip moved in and out, she continued to scream. Somehow a thought managed to work its way into her brain through the haze. The whip handle wasn't that big, it shouldn't hurt this much. What had her tormentor done to it?

The panic and the tears had stolen the build-up she'd been given. So perhaps that was the reason. She spared a moment to be thankful that at the very least she was still wet from the earlier activities, otherwise she would have been bleeding.

"Scream for me, bitch!" Her tormentor ordered. It was not hard to comply.

The tears were rolling from her eyes now, and she could hear male laughter. Her tormentor was too busy telling her what a great little whore she was to join him in laughter. She'd almost rather her tormentor been laughing.

Finally, mercifully, the pain stopped and the whip was removed.

She tried to stifle her sniffles, if her tormentor decided to take offense, the night would never end.

"Thank you," she finally uttered the required words, brokenly. She knew she was supposed to sound thankful, but that was something she just could not do right now.

Thankfully, her tormentor seemed pleased anyway. However, there was still one more requirement before she would be allowed to leave.

"I'm not worthy of your attentions," she said, and was pleased to note that her voice wasn't breaking so badly. "I'm grateful for you affections."

With that her tormentor smiled, and soon she found herself on her feet. She scrambled through the pile of clothing tossed at her feet.

"You may go."

However, just before she reached the door, her tormentor spoke again.

"Same time, same place, next week."

She quickly nodded her head and then fled through the now open door. She struggled to ignore the cruel laughter ringing out behind her. The important thing was the nights activities were over and she was free until next time.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~​

I was challenged (by the naughty Shatna) to write something naughty and post it on TK. Well, I had to base the characters and setting on someone and something, right?

Therefore, this story is basically a fanfic. However, for the purposes of posting the story at TK I've tried to keep things vague enough to be original. Later this evening or tomorrow "Something Naughty" will go up at my LJ with full details included.