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* Spider Photo* You know how people say "I hate the job, but I like my co-workers"?


Elder Statesman
Well...guess what.

I hate my job.

And I don't like my co-workers either.


Here's a creepy spider photo to make people unhappy.

Consumer, darling - have some karma for the warning.

The only problem is that I am so fucking curious that IT DIDN'T KEEP ME FROM OPENING THE GODDAMN THREAD!! :doh:

Oh btw - I loved my last job, but I hated my co-workers, customers, and boss. So there :D
That's an understandable mistake. But then, talking to some of my former co-workers actually provoked the same physical reaction as seeing a spider, so you weren't that far off the mark in my case.
I dont mind my job, I just wish it paid more.

My coworkers are the best people I have ever worked with.
I quite like me job. I got a free yoga class out of it today. But sometimes it does feel like I work with spiders though. They'll crawl out of strange places, scare me and then stick there damned legs in my business.
I thought this would be about having spiders as co-workers.

I thought it would be a thread about leaving spiders in someone's pants or something.
We had a fake spider that people used to throw on my desk or in the locker room or various locations. Only worked once, I think, probably not. It was too big.
I always wanted to be the co worker everyone hated. Maybe that would be better. I'll just be the wierd creepy whatever person that everyone talks about. Makes it easier that way.
Yeah, instead you are the lovable, quirky, and wholesomely sexy one that everyone secretly wishes they could "do" in the back-room but who won't admit it.


I just had a meeting with the sales department. My opinion of my coworkers has not changed.

Another spider photo in the "spoiler" tag. But it's "cute".
