Sree slashes wrists


I want to smell dark matter
He was well enough to appear on the spin-off show Big Brother's Big Mouth on Friday night.

Yeah, sounds really bad!

Friday was the night they showed the Noirin/Siavash kiss, lol.


Is this real life?
Dark Horse and The Little Shit.


I want to smell dark matter
Angel was on BBLB but surprisingly she still likes Noirin and wants her to stay in. And you can't argue with Angel.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Sree was also caught up in a race row when 35-year-old window fitter Marcus Akin mocked him by imitating his Indian accent.

Marcus received a formal warning from Big Brother.

Nearly 300 viewers complained to watchdog Ofcom, but Sree was evicted the day after the argument.

At the time, a spokesman for the show said: "Big Brother intervened and took immediate and appropriate action relating to the argument between Sree and Marcus.

"Marcus received a formal warning following his use of threatening language during the argument.

"Threatening language and behaviour is not acceptable in the house. Big Brother monitors the welfare, language and behaviour of housemates at all times and will continue to monitor this situation."
See, our BB is so lame, they wouldn't hand out these kinds of warnings unless a houseguest physically threatened someone.

Braden called Kevin a "beaner" and talked about being glad to be "white American" in the first week of the show, and received no warning. And while everyone saw it on the live feeds and it caused an internet uproar, CBS censored it from the TV highlights, pretending it wasn't as bad as it really was. Braden was the first evicted, but not because the house was appalled by him, but because the ruling clique thought he might be a physical threat in the upcoming challenges. Braden also called host Julie Chen a ho when he was drunk one night, and his fellow nominee even called him on his racist/insulting talk on live TV in her pre-eviction speech, but the show chose to censor half the words and ignore it after Braden came out of the house for his final interview...with Chen! She didn't mention it specifically, but managed to make him feel uncomfortable enough to want to slink away.

At least your BB isn't afraid to air its dirty laundry. Ours seems to miss the original point of the show entirely.


I want to smell dark matter
Actually, Marcus DIDN'T get a warning for imitating Sree's accent. He actually went on a pretty huge rant about that (probably his best moment in there) pointing out how so many other housemates had been imitating Freddie's posh accent in a nasty way for weeks without getting a warning. BB made sure to clarify that the warning was for threatening violence against Sree (and even that was a bit suspect) and not for the accent thing.

But yeah, they'll show racism here. "You're pushing it out, you cupcakeer."